I been saving up some of my money. I was wondering your guys' opinion on which console is the best one to buy. Should I get a Wii U, Xbox one, or a PS3? please let me know which console is the best and why. Thanks guys
ps4 if you are investing in the future...like 2015
xbox 1 if you want to play titanfall and settle for slighly poorer multiplats for the year.
wiiu if you love nintendo franchise and style of games..donkey kong.mario 3d world/pikmin 3 windwakwaker hd out now aand the first online wiiu game mario kart will be out next month. and dont care about having all the 3rd party games.
2. Although there are true gamers on this board there are also the most biased gamers on earth on this board, it would be hard to weed out the truth amongst the trolls.
My advice: follow the games more so than the platforms. Get whichever console will give you access to the most games that YOU want to play.
2. Although there are true gamers on this board there are also the most biased gamers on earth on this board, it would be hard to weed out the truth amongst the trolls.
My advice: follow the games more so than the platforms. Get whichever console will give you access to the most games that YOU want to play.
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