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Even though I hate to admit it, the gamecube controller feels the best in my hands. The ps2 and xbox(not the 360 one) feel clunky and too big but the gcube one actually feels ergonomically good. greenneil4
I don't know
the gamecube controller is so ugly in shape
weird and ugly, and childish style ...
I'm glad that Resident Evil 4 release on PS2, so I don't have to touch that purple weird thing
hey~ just my thoughts, alright :)
the cube controller was easily the best in comfort, becasue it was made to fit the human hands.
The PS2. It's only fault was small handles. The Xbox had too many buttons for my right thumb to handle and not enough shoulder buttons. Also, I don't like the concave joysticks. The Cube controller was an abomination. The C joystick was crap, the button layout was crap, the cross pad was too small, and the Z button just plain sucked.OceanLeet
although the c stick was extremely terrible, everything else you said was ridiculous, and leads me to beleive youve never played a gamecube. the cube controller was made to fit the human hands, and everything was placed so that a small child, to a huge adult could reach everything comfortably. smash just woulsnt be the same without that controller.
The way I see it the GC one was good but it has it shares of problems like the c stick and the D-pad as well, I think the triggers are fine but I find weird how they mixed up that z button up there, also cros buttons> the weird big a, b, y, x buttons.
The original Xbox was too big but the triggers felt weird for stuff that wasn't shooters
I dunno why complain about the analog sticks on dualshock since there's not a rule were they should go, at least I have no problem with it since I can easly go from playing Metroid and then some DMC without complain.
I never really got a feel for the GC controller.
I like the Dpad on the dual shock but not as much as the orginal ps1 controllers dpad...ps2's seemed to be softer.
I like the location of the R1, L1, R2. L2 buttons
I absolutely hate the dual shock thumb sticks
the xbox had the best thumbs sticks and triggers but the b&w buttons weren't the best...and all the problems it had have been addressed by the 360 controller
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