I prefer console gaming mostly because I'm a huge Nintendo fan and over fifty percent of the time I am playing a game by Nintendo, which is only on consoles.
I like handheld gaming, too, but before the DS came out, the only real games I would play were Pokemon, but they would last me for hours on end, anyway. DS has quite a few non-Pokemon games that I actually like. I'm playing New Super Mario Brothers as we speak.
PC gaming is good, but I'm not a huge fan of FPSs, RTSs, or WRPGs, which are what the PC excels at, so it doesn't peak my interest as much as consoles, which offer better fighter games, platformer games, JRPGs, racing games, action adventure games, and the like experiences. However, I do play FPSs every now and then, and if I do, I usually just play on PC. It's also great because I don't own a PS3 or 360, so I can get a portion of their games without having to spend any money, aside from buying the game, of course. I didn't buy this PC with gaming in mind, but I can still play a large amount of games on PC.
So console gaming for me.
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