Metroid because it has been there from the very start and is active on both home and handheld. Being a handheld focussed franchise should automatically disqualify Pokemon.
Quality wise: Metroid smokes Pokemon with ease
Popularity: Pokemon on handhelds is arguably more popular than even Mario and takes this with ease however on home consoles Metroid should take it since it actually has mainline games on home consoles unlike Pokemon that is known only for spinoffs on home consoles.
Activeness: This is clearly unfair to Metroid, the argument that Metroid wasn't on the N64 is incorrect since Metroid 64 was planned but due to lack of concrete ideas as well as Sakamoto's own qualms about Metroid, Movement and the N64 controller. He felt that the N64 was to early for a true 3D Metroid title and he was damm right, 1 gen wait for a more powerful system was the right move since we got the masterpiece that was Metroid Prime. Metroid was not shelved because of lack of popularity during the N64 era (Considering the success of Super Metroid) it was simply postponed for better hardware.
Pokemon was not active at all during the NES era and about 85 to 90% of the SNES era so if Metroid gets docked points for missing 1 era then Pokemon should definitely get docked points for missing nearly 2.
Home Console: Metroid without a doubt, home consoles are what Nintendo started with and on a home console Metroid clearly outshines Pokemon
Handheld Console: Pokemon takes this with ease due to it being a handheld focussed console.
A triforce piece must maintain it's quality across both home and handheld console. Metroid does that, Pokemon does not. The 2 series that showed what the Wii was capable of controlwise were Metroid and Zelda, Pokemon was not even a blip on the radar. Every Nintendo Home console's best game has come from either the Mario series (Wii), Zelda series (N64) or Metroid series (NES, SNES), Pokemon has not even come within spitting distance of the quality that these 3 titles consistently put out even with it's handheld mainline games.
Also before someone starts touting sales as the determining factor, when did we start sacrificing quality for sales power. If that's true then COD is clearly better than every other shooter available because it sells the most.
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