I'm pretty certain it's World of Warcraft
I say this given the fact that there was an article sometime ago mentioning that Activision made 70% of their revenue/profit (one of these) from the PC.
And when you consider Activision is a tumor leaching off Blizzard's success it's quite clear the majority of Activision's money comes from Blizzard franchises which is dominated by WoW.
But you can't really say for sure how successful every franchise is.
Microsoft says the majority of their Halo profit comes from non-game merchandise. Nintendo never releases those "We made such and such money on this" types of statements, but just looking at how Nintendo shot to the 2nd largest Japanese company this gen (though I don't know if they've maintained that success) you can easily tell Pokemon, Mario, and the Wii series are potentially the biggest money-makers in the industry.
If I had to take a guess I'd say something like:
- World of Warcraft
- Super Mario
- The Wii Series
- Pokemon
- Call of Duty
- Halo
- The Sims
- Assassin's Creed
- Fifa
- Madden
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