Watch Dogs was the dark horse in all of this. I didnt even think it was worth a mention until i saw the gameplay.
But still, nothing came close to the master piece that was Assassin's Creed 3. Im going to enjoy exloring the world in that game much like i did with Skyrim. Assassin's Creed 3 looked like perfection. Climbing tree's seems like such a easy thing to put in a game but in reality it is one of the hardest things to pull off if you want to do it rite.
Halo 4 looked better then anything Bungie has made in a long time. It's looking like shooter of the year for sure.
The Last Of Us is looking like AAA title. Though the shooting could use some work. Much like Uncharted, the bullets dont look like they connect with the target. Devs could learn a thing or two from Red Dead Redemption and Max Pain 3 on how a enemy should react to getting shot. None the less, its looking real good.
Far Cry 3 looks amazing.
Black Ops 2 looked like trash.
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