Poll Which Gamespot GOTY contender you think will win? (36 votes)
Which game do you think will win? Somehow unlike most sites, Gamespot game of the year winner can be pretty different compared to rest of industry. I remember them awarding Demon's Souls in 2009, Journey in 2012 and Zelda: A Link Between Dimensions in 2013 even though games like Uncharted 2 in 2009, Telltales Walking Dead in 2012 and 2013 strong lineup of The Last of Us, GTAV and Bioshock Infinite dominated the most of spotlight.
Personally I think its a battle between Animal Crossing and Hades with Demon's Souls somehow an outside chance for clicks.
TLoU part 2 got a 7/10 so I dont think they will crown it here. The chaos would be pretty amazing to watch unfold though.
*Noticing Xbox published games getting shafted by many publishing. Actually genuinely wondering why, Ori and the Will of the Wisps and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 average score is higher than some games in the list.
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