Which of these do you think is better and why? Playing DMC 3 right now.
Devil May Cry 3. DMC5 has too much of the modern cinema envy trash. So much cutscenes compared to the old.
3 overall. I think it has better boss fights and while the story wasn't amazing or anything, it was fun.
General combat in 5 is better - atleast with Dante, but weaker in basically everything else.
As for the rest, couldn't play 1 and never tried 2.
4 is pretty good, but big step below 3 and 5. It does have 5 beat in boss fights though.
I like the reboot a decent amount, probably more then 4.
I personally loved 1 when it released and no game in the series has given me the same amount of enjoyment. I know it hasn't aged well, but it was still the one I enjoyed most when playing through it the first time. I personally enjoyed them all.
@iambatman7986: I played some of one. It has more atmosphere and seems to have better enemy designs as far as I can tell but the combat feels less satisfying more barebones.
I beat DMC 3 btw. I might learn to love it more on repeat play through. I really like the combat but I find the setting to feel very bland most of the time and I dont get much of an excitement over progressing.
original dmc is still the best. there is just too many playable characters in dmc5 that really kills my experience on the game.
original dmc is still the best. there is just too many playable characters in dmc5 that really kills my experience on the game.
My favorite I played is the Ninja Theory DMC, with DMC5 as my next favorite but I haven't completed it yet.
@ezekiel43: "DMC5 has too much of the modern cinema envy trash. So much cutscenes compared to the old."
I'm almost at the end of the campaign and this is spot on.
Nico has to be the worse pointless character ever in video game history.
Dante do doing a moonwalk?
3. I like Dmc 5, but I just don't like playing V...
I like the first game the best. Great atmosphere imo
3 gets my vote.
And I agree, V is a chore to play. It's like Astral Chain but not as in depth. It throws the rest of the game off.
The best part of the game is playing as Dante, but that's not till the end and you still have to play as the other characters.
3 is much more consistent. If I could play as Dante in 5 the entire time it would be closer.
Plus 3 had more puzzles, a sense of world building where you could get lost, and really good boss fights. 5 lacks all of this
@doomnukem3d: Neither the original and to some extent 4 hasn't aged well ... (4 mostly because how annoying was to navigate through the stages with their platforms) ... 3 is still really, really good ... But I think 5 as of now is better at least in variety and gameplay ... I want to say 5 is probably the better in the entire franchise, but I don't think is that Superior to how good 3 was at it's prime.
3 is the best in the series .. then comes 5 then the original .. then 4 ..
I didn't play 2 ..
DmC Reboot was actually fun to play too
1 and 4 have aged perfectly fine. We still get games with combat far shittier than those games, and 4 still has a better Dante than the one in 5 in terms of what he can do.
And the cutscenes are all skippable in DMC5, plus bloody palace is a thing
5 has deeper combat than 3, better enemies across the board, no gimmick level shit, no inane puzzle solving, and a much much better version of bloody palace.
@robbie23: Lol ... i actually like Nico a lot ... i think is kind of fresh air for the franchise ... and it fits with the over the top aura of the game ...
Apologies I havent been on in a while. I dont really care too much about story and characters tbh neither of those were particularly good in DMC 3, nor were the puzzles. Gameplay is far more important to me, and then level design with these kind of games. It's weird to me that people are saying 5 has better deeper gameplay but then some are saying it's boring compared to 3.
That is such a difficult question lol.
We know for sure, 100% that:
I think it goes like this DMC1 > DMC5 = DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC2 > DMC.
@Life-is-a-Game: 2 is okay. The combat isn’t as great but I liked the aesthetic. I am not a super hardcore gamer so that might be why I enjoyed it.
It came with the collection and was definitely the weakest though. I did play 3 on ps2. But the rest on 360/ps4
DmC(Reboot) is the best of the series because I could actually finish it. No dumb puzzles or anything and it had an easy enough difficulty for noobs like me. I believe only the final boss gave me a tiny bit of trouble. Enjoyable game.
DMC 1&2 suck.
DMC 3 Special Edition is okay but it’s too Hard.
DMC 4 is better than DMC3 but still too hard and annoying.
Have not played DMC5 because I heard they went back to the old style and not the reboot. So I am not interested.
DMC(reboot)>4>3>2>1. If I had to place 5 somewhere without playing it, I would probably say it’s better than 4 because I am a believer in games getting better every gen.
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