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Crysis easily. After playing the demo and messing around with the sanbox editor, i'd rather not play a linear shooter right now =p.bignice12
I thought the Crysis demo was a mess. It feels like I'm playing FarCry. Are you trying to say that Crysis is nonlinear? Because that's a flat-out lie.
after playing both the COD4 and Crysis demo.....
crysis by a very very very far margin....COD4 was entirely scripted...and the same game every time...crysis had many ways to play, many side areas to be explored...even side objectives....COD4 did not.
in fact it was just COD2...except in modern times.
I thought the Crysis demo was a mess. It feels like I'm playing FarCry. Are you trying to say that Crysis is nonlinear? Because that's a flat-out lie.
While you are pointed in the right direction, you can go wherever you want. Especially in the Sanbox editor, you can do what ever crazy things that can pop up into your head in real time.
[QUOTE="bignice12"]Crysis easily. After playing the demo and messing around with the sanbox editor, i'd rather not play a linear shooter right now =p.MrEpyx
I thought the Crysis demo was a mess. It feels like I'm playing FarCry. Are you trying to say that Crysis is nonlinear? Because that's a flat-out lie.
So why did you pre-order it then?
[QUOTE="MrEpyx"][QUOTE="bignice12"]Crysis easily. After playing the demo and messing around with the sanbox editor, i'd rather not play a linear shooter right now =p.Danm_999
I thought the Crysis demo was a mess. It feels like I'm playing FarCry. Are you trying to say that Crysis is nonlinear? Because that's a flat-out lie.
So why did you pre-order it then?
pre-order what? The only games I've ever pre-ordered were Halo 3 and Bioshock.
Why would say about Crysis that "the gameplay doesn't look fun" and then go on to say in a following post that you played the demo? Does that make any sense?Zeliard9
Because I'm not the kind of person that judges an entire game on the demo alone. Take off your tin foil hat, son.
[QUOTE="Zeliard9"]Why would say about Crysis that "the gameplay doesn't look fun" and then go on to say in a following post that you played the demo? Does that make any sense?MrEpyx
Because I'm not the kind of person that judges an entire game on the demo alone. Take off your tin foil hat, son.
Rofl. Is this guy serious? By saying that "the gameplay doesn't look fun", based on the demo, you are judging the whole game by it. This entire thread is judging two games by their demos.
COD4 has some great multiplayer, but its all a tried and true formula. The open ended aspects of Crysis's gameplay and pretty decent multiplayer put it above it.Vandalvideo
Open-endedness is sometimes an excuse for the player to "make his own fun" because the designers can't or are afraid to do it for them. Believe it or not, a lot of people stopped playing Oblivion because it was TOO open ended.
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]COD4 has some great multiplayer, but its all a tried and true formula. The open ended aspects of Crysis's gameplay and pretty decent multiplayer put it above it.MrEpyx
Open-endedness is sometimes an excuse for the player to "make his own fun" because the designers can't or are afraid to do it for them. Believe it or not, a lot of people stopped playing Oblivion because it was TOO open ended.
You mocked the notion that Crysis is non-linear in this very thread, and now you admit it's open-ended, but just "too open-ended"? Please, keep going.
[QUOTE="MrEpyx"][QUOTE="Zeliard9"]Why would say about Crysis that "the gameplay doesn't look fun" and then go on to say in a following post that you played the demo? Does that make any sense?Zeliard9
Because I'm not the kind of person that judges an entire game on the demo alone. Take off your tin foil hat, son.
Rofl. Is this guy serious? By saying that "the gameplay doesn't look fun", based on the demo, you are judging the whole game by it. This entire thread is judging two games by their demos.
No, if I was judging the game from the demo I would have said it ISN'T fun rather than it doesn't look fun. I don't want to turn this thread into a reading comprehension exercise because it seems everyone else understood what I meant except you, who seems to be more interested in unraveling some conspiracy.
[QUOTE="MrEpyx"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]COD4 has some great multiplayer, but its all a tried and true formula. The open ended aspects of Crysis's gameplay and pretty decent multiplayer put it above it.Zeliard9
Open-endedness is sometimes an excuse for the player to "make his own fun" because the designers can't or are afraid to do it for them. Believe it or not, a lot of people stopped playing Oblivion because it was TOO open ended.
You mocked the notion that Crysis is non-linear in this very thread, and now you admit it's open-ended, but just "too open-ended"? Please, keep going.
I lol'd. I doubt he has played the demo very long or of course "played it at a friends house" lol.
[QUOTE="Zeliard9"][QUOTE="MrEpyx"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]COD4 has some great multiplayer, but its all a tried and true formula. The open ended aspects of Crysis's gameplay and pretty decent multiplayer put it above it.bignice12
Open-endedness is sometimes an excuse for the player to "make his own fun" because the designers can't or are afraid to do it for them. Believe it or not, a lot of people stopped playing Oblivion because it was TOO open ended.
You mocked the notion that Crysis is non-linear in this very thread, and now you admit it's open-ended, but just "too open-ended"? Please, keep going.
I lol'd. I doubt he has played the demo very long or of course "played it at a friends house" lol.
[QUOTE="MrEpyx"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]COD4 has some great multiplayer, but its all a tried and true formula. The open ended aspects of Crysis's gameplay and pretty decent multiplayer put it above it.Zeliard9
Open-endedness is sometimes an excuse for the player to "make his own fun" because the designers can't or are afraid to do it for them. Believe it or not, a lot of people stopped playing Oblivion because it was TOO open ended.
You mocked the notion that Crysis is non-linear in this very thread, and now you admit it's open-ended, but just "too open-ended"? Please, keep going.
Where did I ever say anything about Crysis being too open-ended? Please show me.
[QUOTE="MrEpyx"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]COD4 has some great multiplayer, but its all a tried and true formula. The open ended aspects of Crysis's gameplay and pretty decent multiplayer put it above it.Zeliard9
Open-endedness is sometimes an excuse for the player to "make his own fun" because the designers can't or are afraid to do it for them. Believe it or not, a lot of people stopped playing Oblivion because it was TOO open ended.
You mocked the notion that Crysis is non-linear in this very thread, and now you admit it's open-ended, but just "too open-ended"? Please, keep going.
Lets get something straight here.. Being open-ended refers to the sandbox theory of basically making your own game or doing whatever you want. Linearity and Non-linearity refers to the level of freedom you have of how to progress through a storyline or set of objectives.
Or would you like me to draw you a picture?
[QUOTE="Zeliard9"][QUOTE="MrEpyx"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]COD4 has some great multiplayer, but its all a tried and true formula. The open ended aspects of Crysis's gameplay and pretty decent multiplayer put it above it.MrEpyx
Open-endedness is sometimes an excuse for the player to "make his own fun" because the designers can't or are afraid to do it for them. Believe it or not, a lot of people stopped playing Oblivion because it was TOO open ended.
You mocked the notion that Crysis is non-linear in this very thread, and now you admit it's open-ended, but just "too open-ended"? Please, keep going.
Lets get something straight here.. Being open-ended refers to the sandbox theory of basically making your own game or doing whatever you want. Linearity and Non-linearity refers to the level of freedom you have of how to progress through a storyline or set of objectives.
Or would you like me to draw you a picture?
You just said in a post that you're not interested in arguing semantics, and now this?
Linearity and non-linearity have often been used to refer to gameplay, not whatever arbitrary measure you just came up with. Probably why "linear gameplay" isn't an uncommon phrase. Crysis is telling a story, so of course there's not going to be complete non-linearity when it comes to doing what you want when you want. But the open-endedness of the environment is far superior to Far Cry. There are a lot of different ways you can approach various objectives, and also far more ways you can dispatch of your opposition, much moreso than with FarCry.
It's not Oblivion-style freedom, but it's not meant to be, since it wants you to stay with the storyline. As far as shooters go, it obliterates everything out there when it comes to open-endedness/non-linearity/whatever you wanna call it. Completely murders S.T.A.L.K.E.R. It's going to make linear shooters after it look stupid. That's why the comparison to CoD4 just doesn't work, and by the way, that poll is automatically skewed since console owners will just vote for CoD4 and they vastly outnumber hermits. And Crysis is still winning.
[QUOTE="bignice12"]Crysis easily. After playing the demo and messing around with the sanbox editor, i'd rather not play a linear shooter right now =p.MrEpyx
I thought the Crysis demo was a mess. It feels like I'm playing FarCry. Are you trying to say that Crysis is nonlinear? Because that's a flat-out lie.
Linear mission progression, but non linear gameplay.:|
played both demos. crysis seems way more refreshing. call of duty 4 played exactly like all call of dutys before it besides new more modern weapons.
though, aliens kinda scare me, and i dont have any buddies n crysis. except for like 2 guys who will end up dying and not really playing coop with me.
both games should have a co op mode. :(
But I'm getting Call of Duty 4 in spite of it.
Simply because I don't have enough money right now to get a new... anything.
[QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="MrEpyx"][QUOTE="bignice12"]Crysis easily. After playing the demo and messing around with the sanbox editor, i'd rather not play a linear shooter right now =p.MrEpyx
I thought the Crysis demo was a mess. It feels like I'm playing FarCry. Are you trying to say that Crysis is nonlinear? Because that's a flat-out lie.
So why did you pre-order it then?
pre-order what? The only games I've ever pre-ordered were Halo 3 and Bioshock.
So how did you play the demo? It isn't out for open download for another 4 hours (and it was considerably longer when you made this thread).
I have no idea why people go crazy over Crysis. We are at a point with graphics console-wise where the graphics of Crysis are of course better but not "omgz0rz" better. Furthermore, I don't get how much of the same environment/military shooter people can do over and over. Finally, for the graphics "powerhouse" that Crysis is, where is the realistic damage? I mean, it's almost 2008. Shouldn't PCs have no limitation to allow for a player to shoot a upper right shoulder and a realistic amount of flesh would fly out? Or what about slicing a limb off going through the individual bone and layers of tissue? It's sad that a game as unrealistic as the new SOF seemingly beats this schnooze of a game in this department.soulsofblayck
His wearing a nano suit :|
I have no idea why people go crazy over Crysis. We are at a point with graphics console-wise where the graphics of Crysis are of course better but not "omgz0rz" better. Furthermore, I don't get how much of the same environment/military shooter people can do over and over. Finally, for the graphics "powerhouse" that Crysis is, where is the realistic damage? I mean, it's almost 2008. Shouldn't PCs have no limitation to allow for a player to shoot a upper right shoulder and a realistic amount of flesh would fly out? Or what about slicing a limb off going through the individual bone and layers of tissue? It's sad that a game as unrealistic as the new SOF seemingly beats this schnooze of a game in this department.soulsofblayck
I'm sure they could. But it's a German game. They don't look kindly on violence there. They specifically said in an interview they didn't want excessive violence like that.
On the basis of the demos, Crysis. This game looks and plays amazingly on my T7400, 2GB 7950GTX laptop. I am really, really impressed and the overwhelming feeling I get is that there are many, many ways to play the game. It feels very interesting. I think there are a lot of people on here who are saying "downgrade confirmed" etc who haven't played it or don't have access to a computer than can play it. The game is looking like the best FPS ever made in my opinion. The first GS 10.0?
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