There's so much fighting going on lately in System Wars about how PS3 has Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, and such, while 360 has Gears of War II, Ninja Gaiden II, Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, and such... But what about multiplats? Dead Space, Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil 5, Guitar Hero IV: On Tour, Prototype, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Far Cry 2, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Soul Calibur IV, and such is just scratching the surface.
For me, it's not even close. Resident Evil 5 takes the cake. Hell, by the time Resident Evil 5 finally comes out, Resident Evil 4 will already be 50 months old. I just hope that this time around the dialogue is written by at least sixteen year old rather than a twelve year old. As long as that's fixed, I'm good. More zombies on screen+Better graphics+Cover system+Falcon Punching=Instant Win. Also, the setting seems nice. I just hope they go to tons of different locations like they did in Resident Evil 4. It wouldn't hurt if this game was a little bit scarier this time around, either.
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