[QUOTE="-Hells_Gate-"]Nintendo is hardcore? When? Did I miss something?khoofia_pika
First of all, I'm a cow (a Sony fanboy, I mean).
Gee, dude. When did you start playing games? Maybe you just became a gamer and read some god forsaken comments about Nintendo which were written by completely biased Nintendo haters. Nintendo is the most hardcore company ever. In fact, we can even say that Nintendo CREATED gaming. Revered series, that all developers hold in the highest regard and look up to, games that defined gaming, that inspire so many present day franchises, were created by Nintendo. Heck, Nintendo created the most revered series of all time which also has what is said to be the best game ever- The Legend of Zelda. Nintendo created Mario, which was the first platformer ever and all the new wanna be titles like Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Banjo-Kazooie- all of them are just mere rip-offs of Mario. Nintendo created Metroid, the first hardcore game and one of the most loved series ever. Nintendo CREATED gaming, as you know it today. Nintendo introduced the concept of 3D walking. Of 3D talking. Of stories in games. Of saving your game. Nintendo developed games, for the first time, mind you, that actually lasted you more than an hour. Nintendo created the first ever fully 3D console. Nintendo created analog sticks. Nintendo revived gaming, man.
Nintendo has created one of the best consoles ever. Nintendo created NES, which can practically be called the first console ever. They developed SNES, which houses one of the best and most revered libraries of all time. Nintendo created N64, which was the first ever fully 3D console and offered us games like Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye. Nintendo created Gamecube, which houses what is considered to be the best Zelda game by many. Nintendo developed the Wii, which introduced the concept of motion gaming.
Nintendo is the most hardcore company ever. Man, your statement was as ridiculous as the statements that I'm gonna write below (assuming, of course, that you DO understand what I'm saying. You don't know a damn about gaming).
1. Virtual Boy is man's best invention. (Virtual Boy... you know what that is, don't you?)
2. CDi was the most hardcore console ever. (CDi... ah forget it. You won't understand.)
3. Playstation is a Nintendo console. (Playstation is what you call PS)
4. God of War was first released on the SNES. (You know what SNES and God of War are, don't you?)
5. Kratos is a playable character in SSBB (Super Smash Bros Brawl, just in case you do not know what SSBB means. That is expected of you anyway)
6. PSP beats the hell out of the DS every month. (I'm assuming you know what PSP and DS are).
Man, your statement about Nintendo not being hardcore is just plain dumb. I laughed so hard the first time I read that. If I ever met you in person, I would point at you as if you're some strange anomaly and laugh my guts out. Even the most hardcore and biased Sony and microsoft fanboys would laugh at you, if they ever read that comment. So just shut up. Go to wikipedia, do some research on gaming, and then come back. Gamespot is not for any Tom Dick and Harry. Gamespot, and all other gaming sites, are for people who have some semblance of gaming knowledge. That automatically excludes you.
... well, um... i am... what do i say after that? no, seriously... man, i have never seen a better anti nintendo fanboy bash, and yeah, i'm a sheep... hard to believe you're a cow any more
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