I am thinking HL3...
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Half-Life 3, Pokemon (insert color) RPG for the 3DS, Bully 2, Okami 2 (Or is it 3?), and,... Star Wars Battlefront 3
Godhand 2, Guilty Gear X3, KoF 14 ~Dream Match, a new Baldr Sky. All from the top of my head. Maybe a new Vampire Savior, but that might end up as bad as SF4.
The sequel to "To the Moon", whatever it may be called. Any new Zelda or a NIER related game, though not a direct sequel. A prequel maybe.
Unannounced, as in, what would I like? Gotta go with Smash Bros 3DS, FZERO 3DS, or the original Zelda title on 3DS(though that was announced already).
So... you are asking what game that doesn't exist I'm most happy about? o_ORod90
An example would be Viewtiful Joe 3 or Kindom Hearts 3. Like, it's possible that these games could be made but they have yet to be announced.
Well, at least that's what I think TC means. :P
Sorry, never happening, would be nice though.[QUOTE="Tikeio"]
Shenmue 3.
The developer said he would be happy to do it if Sega dropped about 100 milli in his pockets though. :lol:
Apparently, Shenmue games had high production costs. I heard Shenmue 1 cost $70 million to make. :shock:
To name a few
Star Wars: Battlefront 3.
I have been waiting for that game for 7 years.
I honestly don't know why LucasArts hasn't jumped all over this game. It would be their biggest moneymaker, easily, yet they insist on doing crappy games like The Force Unleashed instead. Especially with the improvements in online this gen over last gen, the game I think would be immensely popular.
alan wake of course
Its already been announced, as a downloadable title no less. I guess it didn't really do that great, though it was meh-alright at times. I thought it was worth a rental.
Most of the games I'm excited for have already been announced (Far Cry 3, Rainbow Six: Patriots, Bioshock: Infinite, Grand Theft Auto V, Max Payne 3) or released (Dark Souls, Skyrim, Battlefield 3, Uncharted 3)
Of course, its not like I can't be excited for the sequels to those games. Hard to pick, but here are some unannounced games I'd love:
Left 4 Dead 3
Battlefield: Bad Company 3/Battlefield 4
Fallout 4
Devil Souls (or whatever the next "Souls" game is called)
Uncharted 4
Half-Life 3 (at this point, its been too damn long for it to be another episode on an aging Source engine, so it has to be a full game I think)
Bully 2
Manhunt 3 (if it was more like the first and not the terrible second game)
Star Wars: Battlefront 3
Dead Rising 3
Red Dead Redemption 2
Those are all games I would go nuts for, though it would be hard to pick any one as my favorite. Stuck between a new "Souls" game, Bully 2 and Left 4 Dead 3. I wish I could be more excited for Half-Life 3 since I LOVE Half-Life, but Valve is playing with my heart and if I don't move on, then I'll never be able to find new love.
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