[QUOTE="Dur_Rocky"] OMG i new it Sony now looking to just totally pull a AKA 180 on the whole spin of Home. I've even gone as far as saying before that Sony truly would like to just scrap the whole Home idea. But they are in to deep now. Now all the sudden Home is not a social network:?
Sony for real let me get this strait is Home just a BROKEN MESS or what:roll:
How could they even play us for such fools:lol: They have said for 2+ years that Home is a social network and a gateway to network with friends and media.
Now out of the clear blue sky Sony says Home is not SOCIAL NETWORK Huh? What Sony:? Well what the **** is it then now Sony:?
Sony you make me truly :?:lol::cry::shock::roll: All in one.
Tell me something man
Which console didnt make you truly angry,happy,cry,amaze,frustrate...All in one this generation...
Wii with the amazing sales but with crappy games and previous gen grpahics , no online , no console features.Nothing...
X360 with teh shoit life span , HD-dvd dead!!! , RRoD problems all around the globe etc??...Last I checked I never even cared about HD movies. Upscaled DVD's look nearly identical. That didn't hurt MS that much because it was only an add on anyways that most people did not bother with. RROD is exagerated and besides that MS fixes it for free. It can be avoided simply by letting the console breathe. Set it up so its laying down so the two biggest vents are free. I have it set on a glass surface so it stays cool and it never gave me a problem. Had it for a year no prob.
PS3 wit the expensive price , and actually no cool games to play ( back then not now) , still expensive console in many countries epsecially europe , lost major exclusives one after the other.PS3 has hardware and software issues you don't mention. Similar to RROD it has YLOD. In general many games on it freeze frequently such as Assassain's Creed. Plus from HOME to 2.41 the OS software is just an epic fail.
I mean, Which one didnt make you feel all these "faceS" this gen?.. 360!!! :)8):P
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