Poll Who do you think wins in terms of graphics? Super Mario 3D World vs. Halo INF (42 votes)
It's crazy to think that in 2021 we would be comparing an Xbox 360 looking game against a Wii title.
It's crazy to think that in 2021 we would be comparing an Xbox 360 looking game against a Wii title.
both better looking than ps5 exclusive godfall
maybe sony can get a game looking as good as hivebusters....maybe
Godfall takes a dump on Halo Infinite graphics wise. It's not up for debate.
@Pedro: You think he games on a PS? Lol i'm betting he doesn't even own one, think of it this way, he and protoss are probably brothers 🤣🤣🤣
@i_p_daily: Protoss is claiming to be a sheep now, isn't he?
Yeah he's being a fakeboy sheep atm, but no matter which shtick he uses, he always hates on MS.
Says he use to game on Xbox but wont prove it by posting his GT, but freely offers up his PSN name, i'd say he hardly plays any games on any systems if we go by his PSN name.
Fakeboy with fake outrage, even one of the mods pulled him up on his fake outrage LOL.
@i_p_daily: Protoss is claiming to be a sheep now, isn't he?
Yeah he's being a fakeboy sheep atm, but no matter which shtick he uses, he always hates on MS.
Says he use to game on Xbox but wont prove it by posting his GT, but freely offers up his PSN name, i'd say he hardly plays any games on any systems if we go by his PSN name.
Fakeboy with fake outrage, even one of the mods pulled him up on his fake outrage LOL.
He is not a fakeboy. He loves gaming and every system.
@daredevils2k: Halo, by a long shot. Not to mention, both those games look better than anything else on console today.
@hardwenzen: Yep he loves gaming and every system just as much as you love Ubisoft.
And as simple as that, we're done 🤣🤣🤣
Am I the only one who doesn't give a rat's ass about graphics, but only care if a game is actually fun or not?
Did you miss the part where bowsers fury looked better and 1000% more fun than halo inf gameplay did? Nintendo is winning on all fronts artstyle and gameplay.
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