Everyone said COD4 was the EPIC multiplayer game: I didn't care much for it.
Everyone says Halo 3 is totally worth it for the ONLINE: I actually prefer split-screen coop and the campaign
Aside from a few computer games I play on occasion (TF2, WC3, ...), I'm not much of a online gamer. Is there anyone else out there who could care less? I want to go back to when Single Player was the emphasis, instead of today where we are getting Multiplayer games with a mediocre campaign attached to them.
For Example. People say Uncharted sucks because it's a short game, and NO MULTIPLAYER (When was this a requirement on games?). Uncharted was one of the funnest gaming experiences last year, and I'm still playing it.
I agree.
When I buy games its for the single player part of it not the multiplayer.
Multiplayer is fun, but it get old alot faster than single player for me.
Thats' why I often buy RPGs.
In generals I'd like games to last longer.
Games like call of duty 4 with a 6 hours single player are downright unacceptable for me.
I wish I could just pay like 15-20$ and buy the single player of call of duty, if I only want the single player part why can't I only pay for that?
I like my FPS's and I like my multiplayer. I also like a good length to a game. Everyone is complaining that thier games last for 6-10 and thats it. I don't know what difficulty you have it on (mine is always on the hardest). It took me about 2 months to work my way through Gears of War alone. I spent about 20-25 hours playing it from start to finish. Meanwhile eveyone is on here saying they blasted through in 12 hours. This leads me to belive that they just do this so that they can say it was short. Take your time. Also, I don't play STRAIGHT through, I aways play for no more than 2 hours at a time.
Halo 3 I've spent most of my time in Multiplayer and spent about 15 hours so far on the campaign on Legendary single player. I still have at least 5-8 hours left of single player.
Call of Duty 4 I set it to Hard and spent 3 hours a night for 6 days till I made my way through. So in my house, COD4 was an 18 hour game because I take my seet time and set that difficulty higher.
I don't like split screen because I dont like to share my screen. Multiplayer is fun as hell and offers hundreds of hours of action youve never seen before. I love playing online
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