nope...i think MS and sony made the right call to be honest. the PS4 absolutely nails it in the hardware department and the X1 is not too shabby either.
sure they could have been more powerful but that led to serious problems last gen. both the 360 and PS3 and some nasty reliability problems at launch. they would have also been big loss leaders and have had a higher price.
last gen went on too long due to the losses sustained by both companies. 7- 8 years is too long for a gen. the old business model was just stupid and has now been mostly consigned to the bin where it belongs. i think they sell at a small loss but nothing mad. on a side note i am surprised they havent looked at the phone model to sell consoles though. pay 100 quid and a 5 year contract for live/PSn or something like that. that could be a big certainly gave the 360 a jolt in the later years. that recurring, relaible monthly revenue is gold dust to any company.
anywho more powerful hardware would have been more difficult to cool, would cost more and would increase the cost of development.
as for the 1080P standard nonsense...its never going to happen on consoles. the whole reason it happens on the PC is due to excess capacity. but consoles are a fixed point and developers set their sights for a certain res with a certain framerate given a certain graphical fidelity. its not that the new consoles cant do 1080P (they have done it). its more that MS and sony havent demanded that all games be 1080P. the PS4 and X1 could be 10X more powerful than a top of the range PC today and developers would still target 720P@30FPS to target a certain graphical fidelity if they though it best for their game.
if you demand 1080P and/or 60FPS for every single game then stick to the PC...its the only platform that will ever deliver it because it has excess capacity.
the only way itll happen on consoles is if sony/MS/ninty demand it to pass certification and that simply will not happen.
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