I think that if the console war only had 2 consoles everyone would be much better off. I think that it is ridiculous that the PS3 and the 360 both exist. They are essentially offering you the same experience. They have about the same graphics, extra services and besides a few exclusives they have the same games. It just seems to make sense that we only need one of them. It really wouldn't matter which one stayed because either would be the same without its main competition. If there was only one "hardcore" (sorry Wii) no one would have to deal with not playing exclusives. Everyone could play MGS4 and Halo 3. For multi-plat games there would be less time consumed for porting it so it could come out sooner and it would cost less too so maybe games could finally start getting cheaper. Plus it just seems like so many awesome things could be done if all of the hardcore gamers owned the same machine. I just don't understand why gamers need to be split on what console to get when they essentially get the same experience.
Note: I didn't include the Wii in this because it is radically different from the PS3 and 360 which is what the console war should be. All of the consoles are completely different and you get completely different experiences from them.
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