I have both, i got the 3DS just after the price drop in September(?) 2011. I bought the PSvita at launch back in Feb 2012, I vastly prefer the Vita. I just really hate using the 3DS after using the Vita, admittedly i only ever bought one game for the 3DS (Zelda) and then i just got sick of using the system, I tried numerous demoes on it and just didn't feel like buying anything because i didn't feel like the games were worth the price (In Australia 3DS games are $60 and they pretty much never go down in price), even if i try to shop for games online stuff like Super Mario 3D land are still $48. In contrast games for the Vita like: Mortal Kombat $31, Disgaea 3 $35, P4G $43, Sly Cooper $34 etc and then atleast with Vita i get new games with PS+ like Lumines, Wipeout, MGS Collection etc.
If you want to know some really messed up stuff look at the pricing on our Gamestop website (EB games here), RE: Revelations for 3DS is $68, It's priced at $58 for PS360.
Infact Super Mario 3D Land, New Super Mario Bros 2, Mario Kart 7, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Luigi's Mansion 2, Castlvania: MoF are ALL $68 for some random reason, and yet Soul Sacrifice is priced at $53, P4G is $43, $58 for DoA5+ and NGS2+, Killzone Mercenary is priced at $68 though but the point is that in general 3DS games are more expensive then Vita games for no good reason at all, and i just don't want to buy games that i don't feel are really worth the price that they are asking for them.
I love that i can now use the internet browser on my PSV to look up trophy guides for the game i am playing and i can just swap between them really easily also, or i can just minimize my game and check up what friends are doing or send messages or just chat with other people (something which i believe will become more important once Vita actually gets a decent multiplayer game maybe Soul Sacrifice or Killzone Mercenary)
I also have issues with the 3DS system's ergonomics, i find the corners dig into my palms and i find it very uncomfortable to use i plan on selling my original 3DS and getting an XL when X/Y release though.
I find it kind of funny when people say the Vita has no games also since i have a fair few for it... Uncharted, Gravity Rush, Wipeout, Rayman Origins, Mutant Blobs attack, Escape Plan, Super Stardust Delta, Dynasty Warriors next (waste of money tbh...), Ninja Gaiden Sigma +, Oddworld: Strangers Wrath, Persona 4 golden, Mortal Kombat, MGS collection, Lumines, PvZ, Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward etc. not to mention all my PSone and PSP stuff.
TL: DR - I prefer the Vita.
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