Ok so I'm writing this as a die hard 360 gamer and fan.
So I went on an impulse find on craigslist and picked up a brand new PS4, or PISS4 as I'm so used to calling it, WHY?? curiosity, online buzz, cause you just can't get one, I don't know...I mean like I said it was an impulse buy.
SO my conflicting deals with a few issues...one system loyalty...or is there? I've always been an Xbox-ite...I've owned the OG and the 360, picked up a slim after my first gen 360 finally died, note I subconsciously knew it would, and have been on XBL for nearly 6 years. that's a long ass time...and now we have next gen in our hands..and it's hard to just go and say..well time for the XB1...we gonna get Titanfall and...all the other games that the other systems will have. OH but we'll have HALO...but I was never a diehard Halo-ite either...yeah I played the games, but I was never online playing it like I was for COD or Battlefield...did I mention they are on the other systems as well...well who cares about the Wii..
An in that time, I have accomplishments..like my gamer score..yeah it's not in the 100s of thousands of points...but it's time invested....Now with the PS4, I have to start...FROM FRESH...GROUND ZERO...and I'm partially excited...and a little sad. I mean it's something right? and that DLC that I have...
Well, I am not getting rid of my 360 that's for damn sure..but now we come up to the real gist. $$$
I have my XBL account....and it's just something I expect to see out of my account every month..10 bucks..but now...if I want to do stuff for next gen I'll have to get a PS account as well? WAIT WHAT??? yeah ...it's one or the other..thus the conflict again..I'm a premium member on BF4..and the DLC I've already bought...it would be stupid to just drop it now, like real stupid...but PSN you can get those extra games each month...fresh games not just rehashes of games sold already over the years...some I've played, others. Sofar here's what I've done...I bought a digital copy of AC4, YES I already have it for 360 and invested time already into it...but I needed a Game to really justifiy my purchase...and a shooter isn't it yet..more on that to follow.
Next is the interface...it takes some time to get used to...I mean look, I am so used to my dashboard that it's no joke, what I know...so now it's this streamlined page..kinda gets some time to orient with...and it's not bad!
Friends...I have none on PSN...I have some on 360, but here's the gist...when i game, I'm not group chatting it up or anything...so honestly, it's not a huge difference for me...other that I'm not online, and I don't have that comforting view of friends online..again new.
Controllers...dude the dualshock feels like NOTHING..I'm scared that I'm going to break it...I have large hands, not fat hands, just long fingers and a big palm...and I have to try and get used to the control scheme..but the controller doesn't feel bad..that was one thing I hated when I played on friends PS3...HATED IT...H A T E. So now it's this..I have to get used to the dpad and stick configuration...and I'm sure that will happen over time.
SOOOOOO long story short....I did the leap, I crossed that line...for now. I'm going to give Sony a shot..we'll see what's going to happen..will I get an XB1? I don't KNOW....I do know that I will NOT pay for two services...that's just stupid...I have a good PC gaming rig, so I could play titanfall on that...
only time will tell.
Are there others like me out there, share your experiences and thoughts with me..
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