nope it is 150 and not bc w all 360 games and the games theyt shown arent far from what wii already offers-gameparty eas fitness game ,
kenict sports adventure and racing , kenictimals and party
nope no thanks ,
all of those are slapped on names togames we already have such as
nintendogs wii sports wii play wii fit petzdogs 2 (kenict adventure) so ya um no thanks
add the fact i already own a wii , i dont need natal , i tihnk itll be like eyetoy , ,
not that succesful
same for move , i am not much impressed with many of its games but it is cheaper so i dont know none of them are gonna be like wii and be used to full potential i ve owned a wii since da one and im been impressed since that day , ,
no lookin back ,
sure you can hollar 08 was garbage or 07 was garbage,
w/e considerin the library i got for it in those 2 yrs alone ,
it is the best console out there
360 only covers the fps andracing genres , mostly ,
same for ps3 , and i like sonys ips better then mses , cause quite frankly all ms has is forza halo 3 and gears and fable 3
i just cant stand the same ol stuff year in year out
the pattern guys is this
2005 -perfect dark zero
2006-gears of war
2007 halo 3 and forza2
2008 gears of war 2
2009 halo odst halo wars
2010 gears of war 3 and halo reach and fable 3
2011? ?
wher as sony had different games every year ,
same for wii nintendo
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