I'm wondering who in the world makes these games sell like a trillion copies? These are ADULT games based off a SCI-FI Marathon program...so I was just wondering...who buys these? Football dads? I don't want to offend anyone but seriously...halo? pffft I was too busy with the awesomness that was POKEMANZ!!!! I still have a snazzy lvl 100 charizard!! lol! People seriously kissed pokemon goodbye when I hipped that bad boy out! Anyways..if you did buy the game why? Is it actually fun? I don't have a xbox so plz do share..
Miscellanious Pokemon who enjoy theme threads play Halo. They're sick of Shooting fire and ice at each other and being smacked down to 50% by Stealth Rock on switch in for having a crappy type combination.
[QUOTE="dlind70"] Halo 3, WHEN COMPLETED, is all about the complete experience. The gameplay, story (including back story, mythos, Covanent hierarchy, religious influences, bad ass MC PC story) mulitplayer options (e.g. party system, game type customization, custom game hosting over XBL, saved replays, friend options, comunication with a STANDARD mic), graphics, sond effects, etc. Oh, and Marty O'Donnell :D
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