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Sony dont have a load, more successful launch a feeling sony will
Microsoft blew their load really early, while sony held their load in for a while
Sony has 4 or 5 megatons that they will stretch out through the next year or so.
-Naughty Dog game. (VGAs?)
-Sony Santa Monica new IP (E3 2014?)
-Guerilla new IP (Gamescom 2014?)
-Media Molecule game (Gamescom 2013?)
-The Last Guardian (E3 2014?)
Sony dont have a load, more successful launch[QUOTE="always_explicit"][QUOTE="Sweenix"]
Have a feeling sony will
Microsoft blew their load really early, while sony held their load in for a while
Wow, you can see in the future? nice
I was obviously talking about the games we are aware of, sarcasm wasnt entirely necessary. I dont like the launch lineup.Microsoft only has a few new games to show. That is why they are not streaming it. Instead they are gonnaq let people play the games and post them online. So Sony will have a bigger show. But Microsoft as of now has a better line-up. Sony has more work to do as far as games go..... icrosoft is just cleaning up the mess from E3.
I think Sony will.
Microsoft shot off every canon they had at E3 it seems. If it wasn't for the bad press and backlash around the DRM features, they would've had a slam dunk this launch. But that backfired and now it seems like they've used up all of their big announcements, they're pretty much skipping Gamescom with no live streaming because they have nothing special to show (except Black Tusk Studios' IP which could be big).
Sony on the other hand already confirmed they 20 games out by next year with 5 already announced. They need to announce more of these games here ("Super Stardust" successor is pretty much confirmed). If they can announce Media Molecule's new IP, LittleBigPlanet 3, maybe Guerrilla Games' new IP, etc. as well as Gaikai streaming, then they'd snatch up everyone's attention. Sony's most likely saving some other announcements for TGS with Naughty Dog and Santa Monica for VGAwards/later date.
I'll be interesting to see.
Sony and then Nintendo, I'm guessing Nintendo will announce something big.Â
MS will only do a 180 after 180 after 180 flip flopping.
Sony. They've got it "easier." They're launching at a better price and with more positive hype. Plus, they're live streaming. They'll also inevitably have "more" to show, given their strong studios no doubt working on software that'll be ready to show soon.
Microsoft on the other hand will have a lot more to prove after the blunders and 180s. The good thing is, it seems more gamers are now interested in the product compared to the near non-existent interest that was there before. They've got the pockets to line-up their famed timed exclusives and DLC, we'll just see how much Europe prefers that strategy to Sony's. But I wouldn't count them out.
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