Microsoft or Sony? This year Microsoft continue to build their game library for the 360, but i don't see them having any plans for 0'8. I feel like they are losing steam..They definitely did great with games this year, but Sony came back with a few great games that is releasing around the holidays. I am just looking forward to Ratchet and Clank, Folkore, Uncharted, Haze, Time Crisis 4, Gran Turismo Pro, Sing Star, Eye of Judgment and Unreal Tournment. I compiled a list of games from both side and clearly Sony wins in 2008. Anyone who don't own the PS3 should pick it up soon.
Ninja Gaiden 2
2. Alan Wake
3.Lost Odssey
4. Fable 2
1.Metal Gear Solid 4
2.Kill Zone 2
4.White Knight Story
5.War Devil 5. Too Human
6.Heavy Rain
8. Tekken 6
9.The Getaway 3
10. Infamous
11. Eight Days
12. LA Noire
13. Yukuza 3
14. Socom
I would put Final Fantasy VIII and Versus on the list, but everyone knows that most likely it will come out in 2009. As for the new Team ICO game i hope they finally reveal it and hopefully it will come out late 2007. Isn't Bioware making a game for the PS3? It seem like Sony is making sure their getting a lot of games and building it really strong. I guess the wait is over.
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