2008 is set to be a better year for gamers whether you a Wii owner, PS3 owner or a 360 owner. I just have to know, who do you think will have the most AAA scored exclusives in 08 ? I'm not talking about AAA scored exclusives thus far but only the exclusives released in 08.
Here is the list of exclusives for 08 on each console. Just to let you know that so far the release date for all these games are in 08 and thats why they are mentioned but some games play slip to 09, also I am not going to included games which are unnamed or just happen to be rumours/speculations.
Also apparently Gamespot has lost their credibility so you have to use Gamerankings to speculate who will have the most AAA scored exclusives in 08 but if you want to you can mention Gamespot-wise also :)
- 360
- Ninja Gaiden 2
- Too Human
- Fable 2
- Banjo-Kazooie 3
- Cry On
- Halo Wars
- Infinite Undiscovery
- Lost odyssey
- Alan Wake
- Huxley
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
- Wii
- Super Mario Kart
- No More Heroes
- Monster Hunter 3
- Dragon Quest Swords
- Fatal Frame IV
- Worms: A Space Oddity
- Bomberman Land
- Disaster: Day of Crisis
- Opoona
- Rygar: The Battle of Argus
- Super Mario Stadium Baseball
- PS3
- White Knight
- Infamous
- Eight Days
- WarDevil
- Nobi Nobi Boy
- Afrika
- Heavy Rain
- Tekken 6
- The Getaway 3
- Motorstorm 2
- Final Fantasy 13
- Metal Gear Online
- LittleBigPlanet
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Gran Turismo 5
- Killzone 2
- Disgaea 3
- Naruto: PS3 Project
- Yakuza 3
I may have missed some titles coming next year for each of the 3 platforms.
I don't mean no disrespect to PC gamers but I would like to keep the PC out of this thread since I didn't mention it. I specifically made this thread for consoles and the PC is not a console and nor is it competing in the console war. I have included console only exclusives, it doesn't matter to me that a console exclusive can be found on the PC because PC is not in the console war.
Again no disrespect to PC gamers
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