Who will unlock the map first, PS3 or 360?
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Im only saying ps3 because thats the team that I'm playing on. but If one side wins, does the other lose out on the free map ?Androvinus
No but only because DICE wants to avoid nuclear war caused by fanboys
Guys, the contest is not what console can get their first. The contest is to see combined how fast the consoles can get there. In other words, System Warriors, we're on the same side. After we collectively unlock the map, then we can go back to ripping each other throats out.chaotzu
The consoles are not working collectively towards 43 million http://www.destructoid.com/get-43-million-kills-in-battlefield-1943-unlock-a-map-133896.phtml
Did they reset the counter untill the ps3 version is released(thursday, today in about 15-17 hours central time.)? Yesterday the counter was going for the 360 since it was released and the ps3 version had like 58 the whole time(people at dice or gamesites maybe?) and i just checked now and both are back to zero. http://www.battlefield1943.com/. So idk, i would say 360, but i have a feeling PSN users will surprise and pull one outta their arse. Ik illl be playing a boat load the rest of this summer, ive had every battlefield game since 1942(including the crappy expansions for 1942 and bf2). As long as its as fun as bad company i will heavily enjoy this game.
what about the pc users we will get the game in september so we can still win
no, pc gamers have already turned their noses up at BF1943. Well this PC gamer bought the 360 version.. couldn't resist :)Please Log In to post.
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