Since Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City are two of the best games this generation, I would certainly be interested in a sequel, provided they could top it.
However, given the ending of Arkham City, they seem to have put themselves into a corner that would be difficult to get out of. (Massive spoilers below, proceed with caution.)
[spoiler] With the Joker; one of the greatest villains of all time, finally dying from his poisoned blood, they would have to do something incredible to top Mark Hamill's excellent performance. [/spoiler]
There's also a good dead of easter eggs hinting toward a sequel, or at least DLC:
[spoiler] The Scarecrow, who was one of the villains of the first game, is one of the few who does not make an appearance in Arkham City. However his mask can be found on a bridge and a secret door on a boat reveals a shipment of cockroaches addressed to "Johnathan Crane". Near the end of the game, a corpse lies on a building that wears clothing very similar to what the Scarecrow does, and is not found anywhere else in the game.
And finally, there's a series of coordinates that when followed on the hacking gadget thing 9whatever it's called) reveal an audio clip of some seemingly random numbers being read out in a monotone voice. These numbers can be decoded to create the message "I will return, Batman. You will pay for what you have done to me. Fear will turn Gotham into shreds."
And for those who didn't know, a similar easter egg was in Arkham Asylum that teased Arkham City. [/spoiler]
That kind of thing isn't put into the game accidentally. There's definitely something going on at Rocksteady.
So anyway, if they did make a sequel, what would you expect from it? Gameplay tweaks? Open world or linear? Villain cast?
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