[QUOTE="Shensolidus"][QUOTE="Toriko42"]Killzone makes the world look a lot more colourful too by comparison
Those shades of gray and the same enemies over and over again really look awesome
Awesome criticism there, coming from someone who has played the full version, seen all the areas and enemies this KZ2 has to offer. Noticed you've been playing some Gears 2 on there. It has a lil more color now, but from what I remember playing it as recently as tonight, that game has an awful lot of grey in it as well. Those enemies are about exactly the same from what I can remember too.
It's alright though, fanboyism always prevents people from enjoying a game no matter what game or generation it is.
No, I owned a PS2 last gen and still thought Killzone 1 was crap. Get the whole picture before you judge.
Gears of War 1 and 2 are far superior games. And the enemy variety in Gears of War 2 and environmental variety kills that of Killzone 1 and what has been seen of Killzone 2. Gears of War 2 showed off a variety of enemies when it was first shown, what the hell was KZ2 shown. The same Hellgast over and over again.
I'll get a PS3 eventually but not for Grayzone 2, most likely MGS4 and God of War 3...two of my favorite series from the PS2.Actually when Gears 2 was first shown, it was in the form of a tech demo with hordes of the same streaming locusts to show how many enemies can be onscreen at once. The first gameplay trailer showed 3 enemies types in one stage. After that, nothing was seen on the SP until right about the game came out, and it still show cased the truck riding stage, along with the sinking jacinto level.We both played the game and we both know there are alot more areas than that in it, of course thats what happens when you have a marketting team which actually saves most of the game to be played rather than viewed before the game releases.
What i'm saying is you have no idea what areas or enemies will be in the final version of this game once it ships. I'm talking about the SP of course. The 3 MP maps in the beta now are pretty different from one another, so I totally see this game shaping up to have alot of stuff that we will only see once the game comes out, as it should be.
Also, what does having a PS2 have anything to do with Killzone 2, or eventually getting a PS3? So you had gotten and played thru Killzone 1, it automatically makes you an expert on 2. Of course, no game which had a bad first title can't completely turn it around and actually be an amazing title. I mean heck, look at Street Fighter, it totally failed going from 1 to 2 (/sarcasm)
You can hate it all you want for being "too Gray" I count 4 games on your recently played list (Condemned, Gears 1 & 2, GTA4) which had drastic shades of grey in them and it didn't stop you from full out enjoying them. What makes this game different is that it is on the PS3 and it is the sequel to a game which was done poorly.
Btw, stop hiding behind the idea of you getting a PS3 eventually justifies your bashing of a game you haven't played on it, or isn't even released yet . Especially when the tools you are using for bashing it are hypocritical as evidenced by the games you have recently played demonstrating most of those qualities. Truth is, if you wanted a PS3 for MGS4, an already released game, you would've gotten it already. However, I bet your holding out, hoping it gets ported to the 360 (which I think it will BTW) so that way you don't have to plunk down $400 bucks to enjoy one of YOUR favorite series' for the PS2. Obviously you loved the series so much you went out and got a PS3 to play the new installment.
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