The only reason I don't vote Nintendo is because of the appeal of the unknown. Knowing they're going to be re-introducing the Wii-U (and hopefully renaming it too) takes away from my excitement, although I'll definitely be watching.
I'm more interested to see what MS is going to show, they had a lackluster show in 2011 with a drawn-out MW3 demo, several Kinect demos to chew up time, and a slew of new features for the system. It would seem very safe in assuming Halo 4 will make a strong appearance (along with another CoD, in all likelihood) but with a number of studios having "reported" they have Xbox 3 development kits in house makes me wonder when the time will be for it to be officially unveiled. The appeal of that mystery makes me most interested to see how MS chooses to handle its presence this year.
As for Sony, I just hope they show some quality titles for Vita and PS3 (The Last Guardian, The Last of Us, etc.). Most of the Sony execs seem pretty outspoken that PS4 won't be making an appearance, so I'm not holding out much hope. Since the short-term gaming decisions I'll make surround primarily those two platforms, I want to know what to be on the lookout for.
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