Well activison is stupid. World at War sold like over 3 million on PS3 and like a little over a million on Wii. Yeah his statement makes no sense at all. All 3 versions of activision's games sell over a million no problem. The PS3 version sells the least units most of the time, but still there is no way that selling 2 or 3 million units on a singleplatform is bad. If it is then you don't know how to work the system. Most games these days don't sell like activision's games and they are just recycled hardware from the year before, so how can Activision say that they are losing money on the PS3 and nowhere else? You know call of duty modern warfare 2 is going to sell like mad on all the systems it's on.
People like to brag about their prefered system doing well. People like to rag on the once dominant company going downhill. It was the same way when Nintendo lost it's dominance back in 96 and 97. Nintendo was home to pretty much mostly everything and then they didn't switch to disc format which screwed them.
Sony lost their dominance because of Price and lack of software at the start. Theother problem the average consumer still thinks that the PS3 is the same as it was 3 years ago almost and it isn't. Sony doesn't advertise either. Most of their adversing is done in the fall and most of the commercials are crap for the game. The commercials for Resistance 2 and Motorstorm 2 were garbage. The 360 had the commercial where all the game cases formed the shape of a 360 and advertised that they had over 300 games on the system. The coolest commercial PS3 had was in fall of 07 where they showed off heavenly sword, ratchet and clank, uncharted, warhawk and assassins creed. Then they had the other commercial that showed off metal gear, haze, and Gran Turismo 5 prologue. 2008's lineup was stronger than 07, they had quite a bit of exculsives that were top rated and did nothing to advertise. All the multiplats ran equally well on PS3. Another problem they have is that some of their biggest exclusives come out at odd times. Killzone came out right after the holidays so itdidn't have the impact itwas meant to. Hot Shots Golf 5 came and went without a mention of it being out.
Sony also lacksexclusive games that appeal to the masses. They don't have any well known system sellers that are exclusive. Grand Theft Auto and Final Fantasywere system sellers for sony back in the PS1 and 2, they don't have that pull anymore. Devil May Cry and Tekken were also system sellers to a point. They don't have that anymore. It's basically theconsumer sticking to what it knows will be good games. All the games that are hyped up so the massesknow about whatgame to get are all multiplat.
Sony is actually doing pretty good for notbeing agressive. They just need to really advertise what they have and really explain why what have is good for the average consumer.
No it doesn't matter what place a system is in. Only fanboys care about what place things are in. Somepeople care because they fear therewillno longer be that brand.
Sega failed longbefore the Dreamcastcame out. They failed becausepeople within in the company opposed one another and they never could settle on a direction they wanted to go. So they always built the middle of the road type stuff that didn't really showcase new technology. Sega CDdidn't do anything and only showcased FMV. A lot of the games were mostly nothing but movies. 32X failed becauseSega didn't know what to do and that was supposed to last"for the time being." TheSaturnswitched gears mid stream, it was originally supposed to be the "ultimate 2D" console but once they saw what Playstationhad they rushed getting a 3D processor in the system. Basicallythey had 2 GPU's one for 2d and one for 3d. 3rd parties couldn't figure it out and evenSega's first party had trouble. Gameslike Nights came outtwice because the orignal version had bugs in them. When the systemlaunched it was priced at 400 dollars and only had one game. Virtua Fighter 1. This one game was already available for the 32X and theSaturn version wasn't enhanced in any way. After 3 years inNorth America and Europe and with 4 years in the Japan territory. The Sega Saturn only sold 10 million units in that time frame.
When the Dreamcast launched in North AmericaSega screwed up by sending Japanese copies to American shores. The games didn't play because of region locking. Otherwise the Dreamcastwas rather successful for a Launch system. It had games like Sonic and Soul Calibur which sold systems. After people got wind of whatPS2 was going to be,theDreamcast started to die off. A lot of the games it had were already available on other systems with little enhancement to be found. Segaoffeed people free online if they bought thesystem, but that didn't work since there weren't many games that went online. Sony boastedthe DVD player as one of it'sfeatures in the PS2while being backward compatible for a price just a little bit more than the Dreamcast. Sega was struggling for sales as it was and could not afford to drop the price.
Sony is nowhere near that postion. They failed because they took too long with PS3 development, which got the creatorof the hardware demoted.The systemlaunched at a high price with an ok amount of games, but the problem was thatthere wasn'ta lot of games that followed afterlaunch.
The firstyear of the PS3 killed sony's image and they have done nothing to rectify it whatsoever.Until they do the things listed above, they will continue to be in 3rd place. Even though I believe 400 is a fair price for the system, most do not and Sonyshould just drop the price to 300. The only comparison you could make between Dreamcast and PS3 is that Sony can't afford to drop the price just like Sega couldn't with their system. The difference is that Sony was abundantly successful in the past, whilesega was only successful with the megadrive/genesis.
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