Well objectively the PC have more advantages, so objectively it is better. Does not mean that it is your preferred platform.
Anyone claiming that it is not, but claiming the PS4 is objectively better tehn the X1 should just go jump off a bridge since it is the same exact thing, the potential for more power, to run games more fluid, more effectively and in theory bigger games.
I state in theory because all multiplats tends to aim at the lowest hardware setting.
Aside from that the PC, is backwards compatible, for many generations, this is then follwoed by Nintendo that atleast don't try to sell you the same game Again.
The PC can have the control input of a console, and Works on a tv via HDMI, or streaming.
They are more flexible then consoles by design and Thus able to be customized to each person. Meaning that it is not a one size fits all, which is good, since a size that fits all doess'nt exist.
Does that mean that it Means that the PC is subjectively better for each person? heck no.
Oh and to whoever have the sales debates? I appriciate that there was atleast one person trying to post links, or comments, and who ever the idiots were that pulled numbers out thier asses (Again) Learn to atleast try to give a link or atleast copy a statement, and NPD is not WW sales for the love of god. And if the discussion were about games selling badly, remember that the last gen killed off an ungldly amount of devs and publishers, so aperrently consoles can not give the moneyflow either. Most of these are third party but a fair bit of devs that worked on Console specific games broke them.
Here, I will teach you a bit of common knowlage and courtesy:
A list of them, with links to most with what game(s) they worked on, and when they closed.
Oh and STALKER SoC was pleagued by bad management and was released around 3 years later then anticipated. It still sold 2 Mill. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:_Shadow_of_Chernobyl#Sales
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