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PC, PS3 and Wii all have more exclusives. You only have 3 franchises that get jammed down your throats every year and the majority of your library are games that play better on PC. Not to mention you guys pay 60 dollars a year to play online! Why do you guys stay when you clearly have no place here?Crysis3Soldier
[QUOTE="Davekeeh"][QUOTE="rilpas"]4/10, poor troll attemptrilpas
First of all, I only pay $30 a year for Xbox Live by buying gift cards from Amazon. Second, Halo is amazing. Third, crawl back under your bridge troll.ghidorah45have you got you butt checked by a butt doctor? it seems hurt
This place is kind of like politics. Each of the "parties" are instead about video games and instead of only having 2 (republicans and democrats) you have 4.
And each fanboy is kind of like a politician or senator or something for that faction, kind of like congress. And just like congress it's a lot of fighting over stupid crap with nothing reall getting accomplished.
You also have the few rare "independants" AKA the manticores, but even they tend to have leanings towards one faction over another. It's all childish nonsense just like this thread. But I hope you can understand SW better. It's just another version of congress and we are all like the politicians.
We have enough people like you is SW.
maybe they're all the same person? :P
Wouldn't surprise me to be honest, same low caliber of trolling every time.Why are cows still here? The death of Playstation is nearly upon us. You cows should be out buying all the epic Sony fails you can get your hands on to keep that money losing company afloat. Go buy some ps3s, Move, and for the love of god buy some Vitas. The more you sit here and troll, the faster the death of Playstation will soon be upon us. todd2rsony is so poor it can't afford to pay attention
[QUOTE="ghidorah45"]First of all, I only pay $30 a year for Xbox Live by buying gift cards from Amazon. Second, Halo is amazing. Third, crawl back under your bridge troll.PinnacleGamingPhave you got you butt checked by a butt doctor? it seems hurt Yeah, it does hurt.... Thanks for your advice! I'll get an appointment right away. :)
[QUOTE="todd2r"]Why are cows still here? The death of Playstation is nearly upon us. You cows should be out buying all the epic Sony fails you can get your hands on to keep that money losing company afloat. Go buy some ps3s, Move, and for the love of god buy some Vitas. The more you sit here and troll, the faster the death of Playstation will soon be upon us. rilpassony is so poor it can't afford to pay attention I love that joke!!!
[QUOTE="PinnacleGamingP"][QUOTE="ghidorah45"]First of all, I only pay $30 a year for Xbox Live by buying gift cards from Amazon. Second, Halo is amazing. Third, crawl back under your bridge troll.ghidorah45have you got you butt checked by a butt doctor? it seems hurt Yeah, it does hurt.... Thanks for your advice! I'll get an appointment right away. :) ok but wipe your tears before you leave
First of all, I only pay $30 a year for Xbox Live by buying gift cards from Amazon. Second, Halo is amazing. Third, crawl back under your bridge troll.ghidorah45See. Lems have to search all over just to "only" pay 30 dollars to play online when everyone else plays for free!
[QUOTE="ghidorah45"][QUOTE="PinnacleGamingP"] have you got you butt checked by a butt doctor? it seems hurtPinnacleGamingPYeah, it does hurt.... Thanks for your advice! I'll get an appointment right away. :) ok but wipe your tears before you leave Yep, that's always the best part of losing a system war!
[QUOTE="ghidorah45"]First of all, I only pay $30 a year for Xbox Live by buying gift cards from Amazon. Second, Halo is amazing. Third, crawl back under your bridge troll.Crysis3SoldierSee. Lems have to search all over just to "only" pay 30 dollars to play online when everyone else plays for free! Yeah, my neighbor told me about that.
They are happy to pay 60 dollars a year to play Halo and multiplats. At least MS is still ahead of Sony by 3 million units. Hopefully all those morons that bought an arcade 360 and 4 gig models bought their new hard drives to play Halo 4.Where are your new IP's Lems?
[QUOTE="ghidorah45"][QUOTE="PinnacleGamingP"] have you got you butt checked by a butt doctor? it seems hurtPinnacleGamingPYeah, it does hurt.... Thanks for your advice! I'll get an appointment right away. :) ok but wipe your tears before you leave You never answered my question, Arbitor. Are you actually proud to be such a rabid fanboy? Seems kind of sad to me.
Why are cows still here? The death of Playstation is nearly upon us. You cows should be out buying all the epic Sony fails you can get your hands on to keep that money losing company afloat. Go buy some ps3s, Move, and for the love of god buy some Vitas. The more you sit here and troll, the faster the death of Playstation will soon be upon us. todd2r
[QUOTE="rilpas"] 3/10 you're a poor troll as wellNewhopes
One of the things cows tend to forget is that the Xbox has more exclusives.
Yea right. Are they invisible?I own all the systems. If you had the mental proficiency to look at my sig, you'd see the PSN ID and Gamertag. You must enjoy being an alt account fanboy/fakeboy. Don't worry, you'll be a successful troll someday.clone01
Dont give him false hope. He will always be a terrible troll.
PC, PS3 and Wii all have more exclusives. You only have 3 franchises that get jammed down your throats every year and the majority of your library are games that play better on PC. Not to mention you guys pay 60 dollars a year to play online! Why do you guys stay when you clearly have no place here?Crysis3Soldier
Ps3 isn't much better. Perfect setup is PC/Wii combo with a dust-gathering ps3 for the very few worthwhile exclusives.
This place is kind of like politics. Each of the "parties" are instead about video games and instead of only having 2 (republicans and democrats) you have 4.
And each fanboy is kind of like a politician or senator or something for that faction, kind of like congress. And just like congress it's a lot of fighting over stupid crap with nothing reall getting accomplished.
You also have the few rare "independants" AKA the manticores, but even they tend to have leanings towards one faction over another. It's all childish nonsense just like this thread. But I hope you can understand SW better. It's just another version of congress and we are all like the politicians.
There are no "manticores"!
Everyone's biased.As far as I'm aware,SW definition of "manticore" is an owner of all systems,who isn't biased towards anything...
There is no such poster on SW.If you considered all platforms completely equal,then why would you post on a place called System Wars?
The very nature of this place contradicts the existance of "manticore".Being a multi-platform owner by no means makes you an unbiased poster...
Lems have all their hopes invested in the 720 which is why they are still here and think they're still relevant. They are already praising the hell out of Kinect because they know 720 will be all about Kinect
Who has said that besides LoosingIdiot? Please link. From my experience, most people here don't like Kinect (myself included). If you're going to be a fanboy, at least make some GD sense.Lems have all their hopes invested in the 720 which is why they are still here and think they're still relevant. They are already praising the hell out of Kinect because they know 720 will be all about Kinect
Kind of a stupid thing to say considering the PS3 hasnt released a worthwhile game in at least a year.Lems have all their hopes invested in the 720 which is why they are still here and think they're still relevant. They are already praising the hell out of Kinect because they know 720 will be all about Kinect
[QUOTE="Crysis3Soldier"]PC, PS3 and Wii all have more exclusives. You only have 3 franchises that get jammed down your throats every year and the majority of your library are games that play better on PC. Not to mention you guys pay 60 dollars a year to play online! Why do you guys stay when you clearly have no place here?spiderluckBecause we love squishing cow heads under our boot heels...
A noble pursuit.
[QUOTE="Crysis3Soldier"]PC, PS3 and Wii all have more exclusives. You only have 3 franchises that get jammed down your throats every year and the majority of your library are games that play better on PC. Not to mention you guys pay 60 dollars a year to play online! Why do you guys stay when you clearly have no place here?Davekeeh
Why are cows still here? The death of Playstation is nearly upon us. You cows should be out buying all the epic Sony fails you can get your hands on to keep that money losing company afloat. Go buy some ps3s, Move, and for the love of god buy some Vitas. The more you sit here and troll, the faster the death of Playstation will soon be upon us. todd2rFor the love of god then ...let them troll
Because we love squishing cow heads under our boot heels...[QUOTE="spiderluck"][QUOTE="Crysis3Soldier"]PC, PS3 and Wii all have more exclusives. You only have 3 franchises that get jammed down your throats every year and the majority of your library are games that play better on PC. Not to mention you guys pay 60 dollars a year to play online! Why do you guys stay when you clearly have no place here?GreySeal9
A noble pursuit.
It's a dirty job but someone has to do it[QUOTE="todd2r"]Why are cows still here? The death of Playstation is nearly upon us. You cows should be out buying all the epic Sony fails you can get your hands on to keep that money losing company afloat. Go buy some ps3s, Move, and for the love of god buy some Vitas. The more you sit here and troll, the faster the death of Playstation will soon be upon us. spiderluckFor the love of god then ...let them troll Lol. True. Keep on trolling I guess.
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