Wow, talk about Fanboyism. Im hearing stuff like "jeff is a *** and jeff doesent know what hes talking about"
Well guess what, ScarFace is a bad game to begin with!!! Ign gave the ps2 version a 6.9 and i agree totally, i played it for PC and it was a horrible game and a wannabe GTA clone. The only reason people like it is maybe they really like movie, hell gamespot gave the godfather only an 8.5 while everyone was hyping higher.
Gamespot usually gives lower scores for games than IGN !!! And most of the time i agree with GS scores.
Are you sheep that cry foul desperate for high scores? I remember the same outrage by the comunity when zelda gto an 8.8, and 8.8!!!!
And again this is one persons opinion, get the game if u want or go play brain academy. Scores have never stopped sales, look at spiderman 3, it sold massivelyeven with its horrible score.
And u sheep laugh at cows when they cry foul, its as pathetic as when cows petitioned against capcom for devil may cry 4 to be exclusive. (which is laughable because mosy developers follow money, not loyalty).
God bless u Jeff, keep us from bad games (like people will listen)
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