Is it because of guns? Is it because of military themes? Is it because of popularity? It seems to me that most shooters these days are more "pick up and play" than most genres, so I don't understand that kind of labeling for the genre. What say you?
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If we are talking hardcore in the fact that it is the people who play it are really hardcore...
it has to be strategy and fighting games. THose are just insane in the amount of either thinking or reaction timing and practicing that is required. Those also seem way tougher inthe competitive scenes.
Stuff like counterstrike is pretty hardcore but most shooters that i play these days are very generic and not really that "hardcore."
Fighting games are the most casual games ever. I don't think that I've met a single person that hasn't played Street Fighter.
If Hardcore = Crappy Auto Aim; Auto Melee, Instant One Knife/Hit Kill, Run Around like Headless Chickens With No Tactics on a "Team-Based Game", Easily Obtainable Game Killing Killstreaks, Easy to Get Overpowered Weapons but Limited to Higher Ranks, etc. etc. Then Sure....
But Not For Me; That is Super Casual For Me.
Sim RPGs are awesome IMO. In Fallout New Vegas; I made the "Hardcore" mode actually hard. You start losing health after a few in-game hours because of thirst. You have to cook all your food or else, you would get diseased and lose health rapidly. I made my accuracy go down a lot depending on my hunger, heat temp, thirst, and how long was the last time I slept. I made Ammo much harder to find and weapons much harder to repair. Etc. Etc...that is what I consider fun to me =D.
I love Sim Racers and No Gran Turismo is not Sim in my book.
Fighting games are one the genres I'm ok with the non-realistic stuff. I played the h*ll out of Marvel v. Capcom 2 when I was younger on arcades, so yea.
It depends on my mood I guess and most of the time; I like a lot of realistic and "hard" effects. I can never play a game on any settings but the highest. and That is Fun for Me. but maybe not for others....
Anyways; to answer the question, Hardcore is defined by the person. To me; if 90% of the people do not like it or can't play it; it is hardcore. Any genre can fit that....
Fighting games are the most casual games ever. I don't think that I've met a single person that hasn't played Street Fighter.
That doesn't mean anything.. Fighting games can be extremely competitive....
Fighting games are the most casual games ever. I don't think that I've met a single person that hasn't played Street Fighter.
it depends on how you define hardcore... if you mean the level of difficulty then fighting games would count. if you mean how many people play it.... then you have a very limited amount of games to choose from... probably simulation games and only simulation games because those are the ones that appeal to the smallest niches of people.
Because most people define "hardcore" as "whatever types of games they like".
:lol: so true.
I say, hardcore = difficulty/learning curve/time spent, Eve = hardcore. Wow = casual, however you can devote yourself in a 'hardcore' sorta way, like a top guild.
Shooters are generally easy, have no learning curve and I'm not sure how people play them for, they're pretty casual tbh.
Really? If anything, I see alot of people here considering Shooters casual BECAUSE they are popular.
Not that I care either way. I don't care whether or not a game is casual or hardcore as long as it is enjoyable.
This guy has never played STALKERFighting games are the definition of hardcore. And shooters are as casual as they come.
[QUOTE="Swift_Boss_A"]This guy has never played STALKER STALKER isn't really that Hardcore. It's more so than many other shooters but compared to a fighting game, RPG or an RTS it's pretty straightforward.Fighting games are the definition of hardcore. And shooters are as casual as they come.
i voted "other" because RTS require way more skill in my opinion. starcraft > any other genre or game for that matter
Because most people on here class hardcore as "blood and swearings" and you don't get many shooters with puppies in them.bobbetybob
This thread should've ended right here...anyways...
My 2 cents: Any of the genres the TC listed contain both "hardcore" and "casual" games, and you can't just look at the game itself, you have to look at the level of dedication put into it. For example, everyone in System Wars LOVES to scoff at the Madden series for being casual, but would get absolutely DESTROYED by a dedicated regular online player.
Shooters and RTS certainly have the most pro gamers.... and pro gamers tend to be pretty hardcore. So i would go with those genres.
When i think of hardcore gamers, i dont think of my girlfriend playing oblivion.
Fighting games are the definition of hardcore. And shooters are as casual as they come.
Sweet opinion..too bad I disagree..:)
Is it because of guns?Bigboi500To answer the question I don't really define games as such, but to answer the thread title. For the most part most FPS are not "considered hardcore" in SW at least I often see them called immature and "teh kiddy" because of there flat design and uninspired stories and overall failure to innovate.
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