My have to be joking. Sony has incredible 1st party games, 2nd only to nintendo.
1. Santa Monica (god of war). God of War 3 (they've said the story might be more than 3 games..) will be epic.
2. Team Ico (Ico/Shadow of the colossus). Words cannot even descrieb how awesome these games are. Ico was ok....but SOTC was amazing, and is 1 of the best PS2 games ever. Can't wait to see what they have in store for the PS3
3. Polopholy studios. Ok.....there are some racers out there which are better, I admit. But this is still 1 very fun game. GTHD was just a little pic of what GT5 will look like. If GT5 has will demolish the racing competition. If it has destructable cars....nothing will beat it. Gran Turismo is the highest selling racer in history, and is the 10th best selling franchise of all time...(rounded) selling 44 million copies (includes all GT games).
4. Naughty dog. Crash Bandicoot is the 13th best selling franchise in history (rounded) selling 34 million copies. I'm not sure if that includes games which weren't made by naughty dog. Since 2000-2001 they have sold the rights to it, but naughty dog still has kick ass games. jak and daxter? awesome. And uncharted looks amazing.
5. Suckerpunch. Sly Cooper is an awesome series. Action/platformer. It is indeed awesome.
6. Insomniac. Ratchet and clank has awesome gameplay...if you really think otherwise, just's also an awesome game all it's own. Resistance is a pretty decent FPS 8.8 score if you ask me.
7. Zipper interactive. Um...did you just say SOCOM was the worst shooter ever? Last gen it was the most played game online! It was only recently dethroned by halo 2 (best thing to play on the next gen 360?). Game is awesome.....the PS3 SOCOM will just be....omg.
8. Level 5. Makers of Dragon Quest 8, Dark cloud 1/2, and rouge galaxy. Top notch group of RPG makers here. ANTICIPATING WHITE KNIGHT STORY.
9. Factor 5. Rouge Squaden 1/2 were awesome. The 3rd one sucked,....I'll give you that. Lair is expected to be an amazing game, and I don't expect it to get anything under a 9.5.
10. Bend studio. Syphon filter is 1 of the best online games I've ever played. Story is dam good.
11. Incognito. Twisted Metal/warhawk........twisted metal was awesome. Warhawk is expected to be great.
12. Guerilla. Killzone for the PS2 sucked....but Killzone liberation (PSP) was awesome.
13. SCE Japan. This includes the siren team. Loco Roco is ok......
14. SCE London studio. The getaway is a good game.
15. claps handz. Hot shots golf is ok....
16. Atlus. Shin Megami tensai is a cool series. A nice JRPG is you ask me.
So yeah. Sony has dam good 1st party.
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