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I really like to know why asians love video games ? 78% of video gamers are Asians and 43% of them are chinese 6-4Impalathey do?
I hope I'm just being mislead into thinking you really group Asians different from Chinese and think it's possible to have a 121% of video gamers.ShakeNBake1491
I really like to know why asians love video games ? 78% of video gamers are Asians and 43% of them are chinese 6-4Impala100% of people on this forum think your dumb
[QUOTE="ShakeNBake1491"]I hope I'm just being mislead into thinking you really group Asians different from Chinese and think it's possible to have a 121% of video gamers.Cyberfairy
I hope I'm just being mislead into thinking you really group Asians different from Chinese and think it's possible to have a 121% of video gamers.ShakeNBake1491
He ment 43% of the asian gamers are chinese which I do not believe.
I really like to know why asians love video games ? 78% of video gamers are Asians and 43% of them are chinese 6-4Impalawhere the flying **** did you get your statistics, your ass?
[QUOTE="qLEKK"]they look like ****elementz28
I found that in a newspaper. In america most kids like to play video games but only for fun and only for 1 hour but in Asia they play video games like +3 hourse a day. WOW video games = Drugs6-4ImpalaMeh. You never know. You've got to sometimes question authority (the media) and understand that they too make mistakes. I took statistics class and I know even the most reputable newspaper like USA Today has mislead many people from false or misunderstood statistics.
[QUOTE="6-4Impala"]I found that in a newspaper. In america most kids like to play video games but only for fun and only for 1 hour but in Asia they play video games like +3 hourse a day. WOW video games = DrugsIQ138Meh. You never know. You've got to sometimes question authority (the media) and understand that they too make mistakes. I took statistics class and I know even the most reputable newspaper like USA Today has mislead many people from false or misunderstood statistics. Well, there go our world views, and hello beer.
I hope I'm just being mislead into thinking you really group Asians different from Chinese and think it's possible to have a 121% of video gamers.ShakeNBake1491I know. Like chinese people aren't asian. LOL. What a tool.
Actually it is believable to be honest. The population of Asia is what 1/3 of the world population? The next two major contenders for large number of gamers is UK and US. But both UK and US combined cannot match the numbers in Asia.
I would say more around 60% of gamers are Asian. It is logical, but I would like to see a gallop poll.
I really like to know why asians love video games ? 78% of video gamers are Asians and 43% of them are chinese 6-4ImpalaQuit generalizing, I'm Asian myself ( I'm SouthEast Asian-Indonesian-Singaporean-Malaysian) not (NorthEast Asian- Japanese-Chinese-Korean) and video games aren't that popular at all. Maybe its popular in Japan/China but for the other 15+ Asian countries, its not popular at all. Typical American response...
I really like to know why asians love video games ? 78% of video gamers are Asians and 43% of them are chinese 6-4ImpalaHey did you know that 92.745% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
[QUOTE="6-4Impala"]I really like to know why asians love video games ? 78% of video gamers are Asians and 43% of them are chinese Click_ClockQuit generalizing, I'm Asian myself ( I'm SouthEast Asian-Indonesian-Singaporean-Malaysian) not (NorthEast Asian- Japanese-Chinese-Korean) and video games aren't that popular at all. Maybe its popular in Japan/China but for the other 15+ Asian countries, its not popular at all. Typical American response...
Wow good job you just told someone not to generalize because its wrong and what do you go and do. You say a special comment like "Typical American respone" yeah how about you quit generalizing.
I have only met one asian in my life who's into video games.I've only met one asian in my life. Coincidence?
Original poster, you're a dumbass.
[QUOTE="majadamus"]I have only met one asian in my life who's into video games.I've only met one asian in my life. Coincidence?
Original poster, you're a dumbass.
Want to meet a lot? Come to the bay area. All my friends are and I get nervous when there are all white people around and no asians.
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