A lot of Nintendo hate going around - a lot I can understand....a lot i don't. It started with the 3DS...people were mad because they didn't like the 3D or the fact that you couldn't use the 3D and the gyro at the same time....soooo would you rather Nintendo not give you the options? Like seriously I'm glad the 3D is a feature even if I won't use it much.
Now what I really don't get is the second analog attacthment hate. I am an early adopter (ambassador) but I am thriled for the news. Seriously...would you rather of them gone this entire gen with one slider pad?? I'm thrilled they decided to change their mind. Yeah the attacthment is ugly but still. We should be happy Nintendo listenede to us and changed their mind...that is what we should be celebrating...
help me understand the hate... These are options given to us....it's for the better....stop complaining
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