You can find a 16GM Memory Stick Duo for $35, so if you have a PSP 1000 or 3000 or want to buy a cheaper PSP (you can get them as low as $130 used, $170 new) why buy a PSP go?
its got 16GB flash mem, thats cool, but a smaller screen and the exact same hardware as all PSPs
its not like it is a new console, it won't have new games only playable on PSP Go.since all games go thru PSN all PSP Go games can be downloaded to any PSP and also all PSP games will still be released for UMD anddownload. Its not Like DSiware where its getting support like DragonQuest Wars, Mario vs DK 3, and that Ghost Augemented Reality game i posted a thread on weeks ago
So why buy a PSP go over any other PSP? esspecially when other PSPs are cheaper?
And does PSP Go addressPSPpiracy issues at all since games are onboth UMD and download? so the games will be still subject to piracy that sony calls sickening even saying the number of Resistance downloadswas alarming when you compare it to actual sales numbers, so all PSP games are still subject to the same piracy issues?
off topic: MGS: Peace Walker looks weird, but ilove MGS. perhaps i'll pick up a PSP 1000 if they're near or below $100 next year.
i just do'nt get this move by sony. AND why did they make the start/select button ina circle?are they teasing an analog stick? i think its kinda of in poor taste to have a circle aroudn those buttons.we all know what people want there instead.
But what are your thoughts SW? nothing really or excitement?
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