Boughta PSP because.......Dude its a mobile ps2! lol
Bought the xbox 360 because it was the first next gen console. (had to have it)
Bought a DS lite because I wanted to see what the craze was all about.
BoughtaWII because my wife wanted one.
I got a PS3 because I bought 3broken xbox 360's for 30 bucks off craigslist and fixed them. Then Itraded two of them as is without HDD's, cables or controllers for a PS3 and COD4.
Got my Gaming Desktop from a tradefor the otherxbox 360 I fixed and I threw in Rockband 1.
Bought my laptop with money I got from fixing broken PSP's and Xbox 360's on craigslist.
Craigslist made me a lot of money fixing broken stuff and trading unused items for nicer things. lol It's funny actually I honestly started with a pile of stuff worth about 150 bucks. Like wifi routers and ps2 games, GBA, computer speakers......random stuff and I kept trading up and up and up for about 1 year. Until I ended up with my final configuration lol. A nice laptop, Desktop, ps3, 42" HDTV, Games, 22" LCD monitor, Airsoft guns, RC CAR, RC Helicopter and a huge bottle of Patron. NICE!!!!!!!!!!
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