always say their games are better than ps3 games when they only play cod:MW2?! if their exclusives were that much better i think they would play them instead of plain old cod. if ps3 had mass effect i wouldnt be complaning here but guess what... MAG!!!
well, im a ps3 gamer, but i honestly think xbox is better most of the time, i mean, the only ps3 exclusive i liked it MGS4, pretty awesome game and i wouldn't really brag about MAG, got it, then sold it to buy BC2, nonetheless the PSN service is uhhmm, shall we say "not as good as" live, the scarce number of people with mics is infuriating especially when playing a co op/ squad based games like nazi zombies and bad company 1/2 , and even if someone has a mic, the voice can be barely heard, tried playing nazi zombies once, tried talking to someone, all i heard was *click, crashh, white noise,.. ello..., shhhhhhhhh...tick*, and bluetooth headsets costing 30-40 bucks, like wtf, the supposedly inferior 360 mic sounds clearer, the controller on the ps3 is fine, trigger is a little stiff but just fine.
and the live service is the main gripe of fanboys all around, they say that 50 bucks a year is not worth it, well, 13 cents a day doesn't really bother me if i have live, since live gets it the first before ps3,(mw2 map pack, but mw2 sucks).
*awaits flaming*
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