@GarGx1 said:
So it's Microsoft's fault that Sony charges for online gaming? What the **** is going on in your mind?
More like Sony saw how much money MS makes from subscriptions and thought "**** me! these idiots not only happily pay for online gaming, they actually openly defend the practice. Let's get on that band wagon". That's not MS's fault that is entirely Sony.
WTF is going on yours?
Do you actually believe we would be paying for online play now if it wasn't for MS.?
Exactly which is fu**ing MS fault because SONY SAW HOW MUCH CASH MS WAS MAKING.
If that genie would still on its bottle non of this sh** would have happen,Sony didn't enter the industry with higher prices than Nintendo on its games,the PS2 wasn't expensive at $300 while being a DVD player and games cost more to make to and still were $50,there is no indication that sony would charge what so ever for online play,in fact it was free for 2 generations on a row,what is worse more games on PS3 ran on dedicated servers than on xbox 360 which was $50 then $60 while sony was doing it free,how about Home again Free.
It was how they saw MS making cash the problem,not only that as fanboy for the xbox not only gladly line to be rip off but freaking defended that shit even when on PS3 you got it free,with more servers,apps like PS Home,free netflix,hulu internet browser and PSN games could even be share,when live charged you even for freaking netflix.
So yeah it was MS fault to yes we all should thank MS,the bad things are easy to copy and in most cultures are the things that people learn the fastest to.
Funny enough MS also introduce microtransactions with the xbox 360 was well,and look at PC now a place were most games use to get free mods,now it ridden with microtransactions as well,and less and less games give free stuff.
Bad things do stick and MS brought some of the worse ones into the industry.
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