Why do NIN fans and Xbox fans have beef with Sony Fans here are points
Sony: Dominated the last 2 Gens with PS1 and PS2 and revolutionized Gaming forever
Nintendo: almost died the last 2 gens
Microsoft: Had good graphics with original Xbox but didnt sell nearly as much as sony and didnt have nearly as many exclusives
Now on to this Gen Microsoft is in the Lead..... only because they had a Year head start and if they started around the same time as Sony they would be strugling right along with sony because of the Wii's appeal to Non gamers and casuals.
Wii still hasnt sold as much as Microsoft yet they are selling consolse quickly although i think 50% of their Fanbase is under 10 years of age and 25 % of their fanbase is non gamers and casuals.
and Lastly Sony struggling with the PS3 although it has the most features it lacks games which is costing them dearly but...... They are the Champs of the last 2 Generations and they should get the Benefit of the doubt.
Yet ppl still hate on sony how can you claim ownage when this gen isnt over and you have lost the last gen (Xbox) and lost the last 2 Gens ( Nintendo) i dont understand its like saying ya i won and you are in the NBA finals and its the first quarter and the score is 25 to 10 the game isnt over yet why are you celebrating and why do you think it is over... Wii is gonna die down in sales but will still be strong..... Xbox360 will prolly only be strong until 08 and Sony has no where to go but up with a great line up so i say to you all why are yall hating on Sony... Given its track record you dont have anything to celebrate about
BTW im trying not to be biased or have a fanboy opinion even tho i like sony.
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