I see lemmings getting all excited about games like Tekken 6, Resident evil 5, Ace Combat, Devil May cry, Final Fantasy. News flash lemmings,these games don't belong on your console, their home is on Playstation, and it always will be. The fact that 360 versions of these games exists kind of puts a gaping hole in that theory doesn't it? Its like putting Mario on your Xbox. Other than the fact that Mario is a first party game and those are all third party kind of renders that analogy moot doesn't it? No just no. I know you only get Halo and Gears of war as the only decent exclusivs on your system so its understandable that MS need to pinch other peoples games to keep your console in the race. Maybe Sony should have done a better job and not let the 360 be a more attractive destination for these games then hey?But why not just buy a PS3 if you want these games?. Because I can play them in equal or better quality for less money with a controller that isn't 10 years behind the times. Lemmings have never had Resident evil, Tekken , Final fantasy on their systems, they have no idea about these games, the back story, the heritage. Because there is no way that a lot of PS2 owners have 360's now right? Simply put they don't appreciate these franchises as they have never played them on a Xbox. See previous debunking. Its like driniking fine wine out of a old bucket. You wouldn't do it. And you wouldn't play Resident evil on a Xbox if you were serious about gaming. Actually if you're serious about gaming you'll play the game regardless of what system it's on...not everybody is blinded by brand loyalty like yourself...and if the first half of this generation is any indication you wouldn't play it on the playstation seeing as it gets the worse version of multiplats more often than not.
Kojima understands the rules of the game, its why he never caved in and gave you MGS4, you don't deserve it as you done nothing to help these franchises grow in the past. Because we all saw how well the one port of MGS was on the Xbox...one of the only games where the dev couldn't have the Xbox version markedly better than the Playstation version. Same deal with all the games I mentioned above. Kind of hard when devs didn't put them out on the system wasn't it? Also as pointed out several times many 360 users are former playstation users who most certainly DID help those franchises in the past. You might be playing RE5 , Tekken, in 2009 on your cheap Xbox 360(and playing the better version in all likelyhood...that must really bug you, spending that extra money and getting crappier games), but the real fans will be playing the superior versions on PS3(Yeah, because we all know the PS versions outsell the 360 versions...oh wait, they don't.), the rolls royce of console gaming(Did Rolls Royce start producing cars that don't run as well as conventional cars for twice the money?), everything else is just second best,(unless you are going by critical and commercial acclaim of the library, hardware sales, and graphical quality) and all your best games on 360 in 2009 are playstation games that you shouldn't even be playing. (But we are, and in higher numbers, and because of that we'll continue to get more of those games and be the primary focus of the devs...enjoy our sloppy seconds the rest of the gen)You can only fake your way through this industry for so long before it all comes crashing down around you(Kind of like what's happening to sony? Always having the weakest system yet spreading enough BS hype to get to the top?),2009 is the year the house of 360 comes crashing down as it has no more decent exclusives of its own(We'll just have to be content with our exclusives, the multiplats we share with the PS3 AND the multiplats we share with the PC...in case your addition sucks getting games from 3 sources is better than 2) and must now rely on Playstation franchises to keep it from sinking into oblivion.(The fact that they are no longer "playstation franchises" kind of says it is doing the opposite of "sinking into oblivion", and the fact that your crying about the PS losing games would suggest that IF one were to be "sinking into oblivion" it would be the PS3.
2009 is the year your console stops being relevant to next gen gaming. You're right, because even though sony showed up late to the party the generation is over half over now...the PS3 and 360 are current gen systems. PS3 games are graphically now out of your league (really? Isn't the arguable graphics king on the 360 right now? so there will be no more stealing of PS3 games soon enough as your Xbox will not be able to run them. (Yeah, because obviously performing better in nearly all multiplats suggests the 360 is weaker than the PS3. And all you will have left to survive on is more Halo and Gears sequels, and watered down PC ports.(and all those playstation games you're so mad we get the better version of)Nick_Don
I hope this was a joke post, because you aren't even close to being in the realm of reality with most of your post. I think you better take a look at exactly how the PS family got on top in the first place...because MS has and is following that path quite well, and Sony is not.
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