Zelda - Extremely simplistic/repetitive combat with no depth behind it, not to mention nintendo hasn't changed this formula at all since OOT and LTTP for the handheld games, until SS drops of course.
Donkey Kong - Same thing shallow/repetitive combat with no depth.
Mario - Same as DK
Brawl - Shallow and nintendo further try to casualize it by making things random
Mario Kart - Shallow and nintendo further casualized it by making things random
Kirby - Same as mario/DK
Pokemon - One of the exceptions amongst the main franchises.
Metroid - Another exception amongst the main franchises.
Anyone else agree? Most of these games have good level design masking simplistic and repetitive combat, which makes me wonder how people considered nintendo to be up with the times in terms of gameplay.
If Zelda changed teh formula, many fans would b**** about it, and besides they change alot of other things outside the forumla. Wind Waker felt like a very different experience from OoT, even Majora's Mask felt like a very different experience from OoT. And besides, I'm willing to bet people will b**** about Skyward Sword BECAUSE it's changing the formula. It will happen and I will laugh my LMAO at the hypocrisy.
And what's wrong with Mario, DK, and Kirby? They're not very deep, no, but so what. Most of the games in these series are well-made, enjoyable experiences; not everything has to be SUPER DEEP and COMPLEX to be good. There's nothing wrong with simplicity.
As for Brawl, assuming you aren't playing with items on, the only thing that makes it more random than the previous two games is tripping, and while it's a nuisance and was a terrible addition, but even then it typically doesn't significantly alter a match. Or if you are using items in brawl, then I fail to see why you're complaining since ALL SSB games become more random with items turned on.
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