I'll put them in order from greatest to least in terms of value:
1. Forza 2 - Fantastic game. Extremely long (if not tedious/reptitive due to low track count) single-player mode, along with a solid multiplayer and other features. Put simply, this game could last me all year with me playing it on and off -- and so far it has.
2. Halo 3 - IMO the single-player was boring, but the multiplayer got me hooked easily. Halo 3 lasted me nearly a whole month with me playing 4-6 hours of it a week (which is good considering I play a wide variety of games). However, I got Call of Duty 4 for PC and I can safely say that I will never return to Halo 3. Maybe someday -- but COD4 is in a whole new league when it comes to fun (IMO).
Those two games were worth the $60 easily. Halo 3 would have lasted me much longer if COD4 hadn't come out. However, these next few games differ sharply in terms of value.
3. Gears of War -- The single-player was actually decent, however it only lasted me two nights. I then took to the multiplayer and the competitive atmosphere of the game really got me hooked. GeOW lasted me about a month before I realized how incredibly mediocre the multiplayer was designed. Lag was always an issue, bullet lag was fustrating, the online community was the worst I have ever played with (when you have to wait an additional 60 seconds because your opponent needs to tea bag and attach smoke grenades to your bleeding out body -- it gets old). Every game was first a rush for the sniper rifle, and then close quarters shot gun blasting -- something the game was not designed for. Oh and all three of the game modes were practically identical.
GeOW really is a rent. Too bad I bought it..
4. GRAW 2 -- I loved this game, I really did. The singleplayer was iffy (I guess I don't like playing shooters alone), but again, the multiplayer is what drew me in. Problem is, the love didn't last more than a couple of weeks as I already owned shooters I was getting more out of. It was a fresh and fun experience for the time -- but in the end, it was $60 wasted.
5. Rainbow 6: Vegas -- This game was very much like GRAW2, and again, I enjoyed the fresh feeling it brought to playing shooters, and I had a blast playing it on XBL. But again, lasted around 2 weeks. $60 gone.
Notice that all of these games have been AAA?
6.Lost Planet - This was a gift, but I can honestly tell you that I beat it on normal in under 5 hours. I enjoyed it, but wow. The multiplayer wasn't worth over 30 mins of my time.
Solutions to this problem.
I understand I'm probably the only one with this issue, because I actually spread myself out when I play games. I can't just own a 360 and play it everyday -- gaming would be dull. But I think my games would last longer if:
1. An online ranking system (a good one). I can honestly say I wouldn't have played Halo 3 online for a second if it didn't have its ranking system. It made me feel accomplished and added a lot of fun to the game.
2. Make funner single-player games. Unlockables, different difficulties etc.. always help -- but for me, replay value is based on how much fun the game is. I beat Ninja Gaiden 3 times and then 2 more when I got NGB. Not because I wanted a cool costume or some easter egg, but because the gameplay was so well designed that I fighting guys never got old -- especially with the wide variety of weapons. I stil play old PS2 games much more than anything on my 360.
NOT ACHIEVMENTS! I HATE THOSE. They mean nothing to me, and if that is an excuse for replayibility then it will be a sad era in gaming.
That's my rant, anyone else have similar problems?
I'm going to get Mass Effect, because epic RPGs can last me forever.
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