Because sales matter. Ask Sega.
Also, sales mattered a lot to Sony fans years ago. In 2006, 2007, 2008...2009 and so on, I've heard Sony fans saying the PS3 would outsell the 360 and how the PS3 would soon overtake the 360.
Point is, sales matter just as much to Sony fans as they do to 360 fans. The only difference is, 360 fans seem to have more reason to make noise about it.
And I can't wait for ShadowMoses to break out the "LOL I've rustled your jimmies didn't I?!" schtick he uses in practically every thread when someone calls him out.
What does this have to do with Sony fans? I'm talking about games here. And who "called me out"? I think this thread makes you upset for some reason. Are you a secret MS stock holder? Or are you a wannabe pretend stock holder? I can be the latter if you want me to, I own stock in all companies hahaha, I win no matter what.
And no company is going to go the way of Sega, no one is in that position. I don't understand why 360 fanboys such as yourself are obsessed with Sony going down, it's not going to happen, and even if it did it would be REALLY bad for gamers.
MS would raise the cost of XBL into the hundreds and release even more faluty hardware, they would probably sell all their IP's and just do Kinect. Because there would be no competition to stop them.
I don't think you understand the implecations of the world you want to live in.
Ah, right, I forgot about your "baseless claims" tactic. No, I'm not a stockholder, I've never claimed to be. Good job putting words in my mouth instead of actually trying to discredit my argument.
But fine, you want to talk games? Game sales matter because good sales results in money that developers can funnel into other projects such as sequels and other good games. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a moron or knows nothing about business...or both.
I'm hardly obsessed with Sony "going down" but anyone can see that they're in financial trouble after years of being in the red. Does that mean they're going to go the way of Sega? No, and I've never said they were. Again, stop putting words in my mouth.
If Microsoft's policies and methods of doing business were so terrible, they never would've gained the foothold they did. You know why? Because Sony and Nintendo are their competition. Consumers vote with their wallets and evidently, they're fine with what MS is doing. Exaggerating their faults doesn't discredit that fact. The only people who seem to have a problem with how Microsoft is doing their business is Sony fanboys such as yourself.
So, like I said, sales do matter and everyone should be concerned about them, one way or another.
Baseless claims tactics? Your the one talking about Sony being in the red and having no evidence to back that up, and then you talk about being a business expert which like I said everyone on SW is a CEO, how does a multi national corpoartion keep pumping out so many games that sell well and a system that caught up right behing the competition in the red?
Lol that makes no sense. Like you said, consumers vote with their wallets right? Well obviously consumers think PS3 is a pretty damn better product than 360 considering it sales at a faster rate.
Not that I really care, as long as I keep getting plenty of new great games to play I'm happy, which Sony does a far better job at doing than MS. Even Nintendo does a better job at giving people new games to play than MS. Games are what matters, not "who sales more durr".
You seem to take it personally when it comes to these arguments you have with me, tell me did MS outsource your job to India? Is that why your mad?
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