Never said it was, hence why I specified gaming PC. However, if you're playing modern games, you likely have something powerful enough to be called a gaming rig (PC's with 8800gt's are still gaming rigs).
We don't talk about general PC's, as office PC's make up the vast majority (total PC usage around the world, is estimated in the 1 billion+ range).
so if pc gamers are allowed to segment the PC population into the sections that suits their needs.... why cant we talk about console exclusives on this board?
is it only PC gamers that get to tailor the facts to their liking?
If the rules are we have to consider the PC a platform the same as consoles, then we have to consider all PCs, just as we consider all consoles.
We only talk about PC gaming, not PC's in general as this is a *gaming* board. You have to segment the market, as general office PC's won't play the majority of games (just flash-based).
Nobody's tailoring facts at all. All consoles are built for gaming, all PC's are not. A vast majority of PS3's could have been bought solely for Blu-Ray, but that is ignored and the total number of sold consoles is used.
exactly its ignored whether or not they were bought for blu ray and they are lumped into the same category...
and while all PCs arent build for gaming, they are all capable of gaming... even if it is just flash based.
do we not count PC sales for games if they are being used on older machines and run with low settings? seems like those sales are counted. When software sales are argued, it includes every sale regardless of the PC... but when graphics are argued, it only includes high end gaming rigs capable of running on high setting.
The gaming PC population seems to be an amorphous blob that gets to be whatever the heck it wants to be.
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