That is another flawed mindset, people make it seem as if GTA owns the open world genre. Not to mention they play differently. For now on I will go into every Halo thread and say this is a DOOM rip.
If you think Saint's Row was not influenced by GTA, I got a bridge in Staunton Island to sell you. Of course they copied the format.Just like True Crime and every other failure that tried to emulate GTA's success.Copying GTA isn't a necessarily a bad thing, SR just doesn't pull it off as well imo. If you want to go into other threads and make ridiculous arguments because of what I'm saying in this thread, be my guest.
First calm it down a notch, its just a disscusion.
Second, of course it was influenced by GTA, but that does not mean it was trying to be the same game. And you have a serious issue with stating your opinion as fact, just because you do not like the game does not mean it was a failure. True Crime was a rushed lame glitchfest put out by weak devs. Volition actually takes time to freaking work on their games and make them playable. Again apart from being influended in open world mission based mechanics, I am still not seeing how SR is a complete copy of GTa or trying to copy its style.
The first one is an xbox game that had to be moved to 360. The 2nd one had a completly different feel then any GTA I have played, honestly it fely more like a relaxed version of mercenaries.
First of all, I'm not being hyper. Secondly, I never said I didn't like SR as a series, I just said it wasn't as good as GTA to me.Third, I never said SR was trying to be GTA, I clearly stated that they copied the format and tweaked it.You were the one that stated you were going to go into another thread and claim Halo ripped off Doom. Don't say silly things if you don't want to be called out on them as being silly. So who really needs to calm down here? You seem to be reading into my comments about SR as me disliking the game instead of what they are,my personal criticisms. I never stated them as fact.
"SR just doesn't pull it off as well IMO"
That doesn't look like me stating my opinon as fact, It just looks like you are reading what you want to.If you really want to have a discussion, try having one about things that are actually stated instead of your interpetation of what was stated.
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