Alright, so I was sitting here today and all the sudden i wondered... why does everyone fight for the 360/ps3/wii/pc? I mean, what is everyone trying to prove? Many of us spend hours of our lives trying to defend our chosen platforms from the evils of being talked bad about.
I personally am beginning to think that the fanboy wars are pointless. If, in your mind, the Wii has won, it will always win. Nobody will change your mind. Same way with every other console. In my opinion, I think that even if people say the PS3 has no exclusives, or too many flop titles, or no features, or inferior graphics... what does it matter to me? Every day, i logon to my PS3 and have a great time with whatever game I decide to play, and am more than entertained, so why should I care if ignorant people are running rampant on GameSpot's forums saying how bad the PS3 is? Its not like Sony gives me money for advertising their console...
So, everyone think hard, what is the reason you fight for your console? I'm not looking for answers like "Becauze the XBOX 360 owns all", I want to know why you actually spend time trying to defend a gaming console.
My personal reason is because I personally like my PlayStation 3, and I don't like when people running around yelling "PS3 doesn't have an online marketplace" (yes, some xbox-fan at my school was actually telling people that one time) and other bs about the PS3. So anyway, your reasons?
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