Xbox 360 - It's a toss up between failure rate and Xbox live. I'm going with Xbox live because atleast they apologised for the failure rate. It's the biggest gyp I have ever actually fallen in to. I hate being gyped, it's the worst thing ever if you're tight as I am. The idea of paying for something that is being offered for free by just about everyone else is ridiculous. If that wasn't bad enough the service is so unstable it can't even support it's own numbers half the time. I can't stay online for more than 3 minutes right now, but that may just be my dodgy WiFi adapter, which I needed to buy to play live in the first place because the console didn't come with one. I could rant about the gypage that is Xbox live all day, but I'm not going to because it justs makes me angry.
PS3 - It dosn't sound like much, but I often switch between HDMI and AV when playing games and watching Blu-Rays. In order to do that you actually need to manually change the output from the console, which means you need both cables pluged in, because otherwise you can't see what you're doing. Who's smart idea was that? What was wrong with putting the output at automatic? Why hasn't this been fixed? It's really annoying! Atleast you can hold in the power button to reset it to AV, not that that was made very obvious. I could also rant about this, but I would run out of ranting fuel fairly quickly.
Wii - To be honest I don't hate anything about it. The console it's self if fine. It lacks games, but I havn't played all the good Wii games so I don't care right now. I suppose I would say I hate the fact you can't have wired controllers or a proper charging system. What is the deal with wireless controllers? The PS3 one is good, it charges through the console. But it comes with a USB long enough for pretty much anything. Can someone explain to me what makes wireless controllers useful? I mean for a start you have to worry about battery power and it actually dosn't enhance the experience at all. Do people just play their games in massive hallways with magnifying glases? Apart from the fact you don't have wires to tidy (Which takes 2 seconds, hardly worth paying nearly double the price to avoid.) what is their advantage? The Wii dosn't even have any wired or proper charging solutions. I've got a charger kit, but it refuses to work half the time. What use is that? I hate wireless technology! Though I make an exception for headsets because the wires are generally quite small, and can be pulled easily. Plus the 360 mic is horrible for breaking thanks to the dodgy controller port connection I've got, atleast with wireless that wouldn't be a problem. That dosn't apply to controllers though!
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