Dragons Crown got critically ripped apart for having exaggerated proprotions to acccentuate the human form. Worth noting, not just on females but also on males.
Metal Gear Solid 4 has females dressed in BDSM gear and an entire game section dedicted to having them in erotic posses so young adults (who most likely watch anime) can oggle them.
Hideo Kojima has stated he will have Metal Gear Solid 5 have woman dress even more like hookers to encurage woman irl to dress like hookers and sell figures. This is openly exploititive. With a character who is more or less wearing a bikni.
Now, ignoring the double standard when it comes to Metal Gear Solids terrible writing and story-telling, is it wrong that games like Dragons Crown get spiffy reviews attacking it for this but somehow, with magic, it's ok with Metal Gear Solid?
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